The History of Starcraft


Jan 19, 2004
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Most of you probably don't keep up with the map making side of Starcraft.
Now everyone remember this... STARCRAFT HAS A VERY BUGGY ENGINE.
Lets just has.. evolved.....massively since blizzards first program... called

You see at the time of Starcrafts held the best editor. It was simple yet advanced. An editor that has become obsolete in the map making community.

Eventually we made add-ons to staredit... Add-Ons that allowed us to place Command Centers next to Minerals, change sizes of menus...and a big accomplishment..any unit of any race for any player.
We all marvled and were amazed at how much we could change.

Protection came lock our maps to people couldn't steal them...
We could add color into our maps...use Isom which...messed up some of our maps...but it allowed us to use rectangular terrain.
We find out about Hyper-Triggers...allowing triggers to get checked by sc 15x faster.
Next...another great thing happened...something that simply marvled us..
It could place #x# terrain(1x1, 2x2, 1x2 etc..), text triggers, use of unused units..
Scmdraft 2 comes ioffering 100% all text triggers, high support for staredit, Unit vision for fog of war and zooming functionality.

More breakthroughs come in about cloaking just about any unit and such.

Today the biggest breakthrough has been made.
We remember...we are only able to accomplish alot of the things because of starcrafts buggy engine.. can accomplish something that could have only been done by mods for sc...
Today we can detect any upgrade, unit healths, give any unit shields, Change map size, detect how many pauses have been done, change games speed, change location size, change locations location, change just about EVERYTHING in real-time, in-game by triggers without modding.

Starcraft...a 7 year old game...that is evolving today as we speak. Who would have thought... all we have done with very little support for Blizzard... how we have managed to almost exploit every little flaw in the engine to be able to create better and better maps to make the sc community.....drop there draws once again..

Why am I sharing this with you all? Maybe you would like to see that Starcraft has led to people becoming great with Hex-Editing...even some making a program[starforge] and using it to get into working for Microsoft(which happened). Hell, Camelot sys...the creators of Sc's Modding Community(that shut down), many of those who worked there actually got let into Blizzard Entertainment and were helped in creation of some of there programs.

Anyway, those who have left should I can only imagine how far the next sc maps...are going to push the limits of the starcraft engine..
I still love Starcraft and though I'll never have the patience to make a bound, I've made a few decent maps in my time.
Bounds are rather easy to make, but...with the next generation of tools..a bound with 1 extra units.. going at super fast speeds.
It's terrifying to think that I've been playing this game for close to half of my life (I'm sixteen). I got it right after it came out and I've played fairly regularly ever since, which means that the entire game is nostalgic as hell for me.
Don't worry..any game that didn't survive on mods but a extremely dedicated community..that still gets over 120k people. and is over 7 year olds and is in deserves half your life.
oh there's no question about it, I still consider Starcraft to be the greatest game of all time.
starcraft is leet, i had a thing for it about 2-3 months ago but after i beat single player with terrains i lost interest
Actually the Story for Sc and Bw...are well...down right amazing. BW left one hell of a climax with it's secret level about Duran and the hybrid.

Anyway alot of sc is in online play with mapping. I'll be entering a map into BlizzCon soon.. a 2v2\FFA. Just have to do alot of testing with it first.
I love starcraft, and almost 90% of people aroound me play it.

Also, I have never seen a PC room without starcraft on its computers.
Starcraft is awesome. Every now and then I still crack on with my singleplayer maps too :D