The HL1 Machinima that YOU make! (And we publish)


Apr 18, 2009
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Ok.....Iv'e decided what our machinima is gonna be.

People on forum(s) will give us their idea for a scene on the current map we are filming the machinima on. (1337_Street)

Just come up with your own idea for a scene on 1337_Street, and give us the details by replying to this topic OR sending an e-mail to [email protected]

Try to make your scene funny, but don't hesitate posting them just because your thinking "OMG OMG IS IT GOOD ENOUGH TO POST?????!!!!" because HL1-DM (my clan) reviews every one of them, even if they are small 'less-than-10second' scenes. Chances are if they make me/HL1-DM lol, then you will see it in the video.

So yea, it's pretty simple. Make sure to at least try playing/viewing the map once so you know what you can do with your scene.
Download 1337_Street here:

At the credits of every episode, if you submitted a scene and it was put in the video, you will see your username in the credits. (unless you request to remain anonymous)

So here is your chance to be in a machinima!
Submit your scene(s) now!

If you want a voice/voice script in your video, just tell us what the charecters will say and we will add voices to the video. Or you could just send us your voice recordings for the scene. (To record your voice, have a decent microphone and start up 'Sound Recorder'.Just send an email with the WMA file(s) attached.)

I'm sure there's some good ideas involving two players chasing each other through the buildings. For instance, the one running away goes in a door and jumps out the window while the chaser follows him, they do the same process and can not reach each other for the next openable building and then back to the previous building again. Eventually the chaser realises how stupid it all is and stays where he is to wack the guy with the Crowbar as he runs back in his way. Bad example but I suppose it opens some ideas.
some1 is chasing one guy who has just respawned. he flees into a house where there are some bomb bags (don't remember what they are called). he plants them and runs through the window and while he is in the air comes a classic "james bond" sound and a big explosion behind him and you can see something like "someone killed someone with a bomb bag" in the corner.
if you are using another map that has lasers (don't remember what they are called), then you could have a scene that some1 had to go and take the phone or something so he went AFK. Meanwhile he would just stand and do nothing, and while he would have been standing there, someone could go and put lasers on him (if it works), so that when he came back, he couldn't move or else he would DIE! xD
Another scene could be if some1 ran into a house and stood ready for someone to come at the door, but then someone would use the lasergun to shoot himself up to the window and kill him with the crowbar from behind.
There's one person is in the middle. But then suddenly 4 other players show themselves on the roofs... And begin to throw little aliens (those little alien creatures you can pick up and throw)! And the person in the middle is getting swarmed by little aliens. After he is dead the other players on the roofs begin shooting each other.
I'm with Vegeta on this, do one with Sweet Christ.