The Homonym Thread


May 21, 2004
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First and foremost.

hom·o·nym Audio pronunciation of "homonym" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hm-nm, hm-)

1. One of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning, such as bank (embankment) and bank (place where money is kept).

Now that you know that, this thread is, obviously, dedicated to homonyms.
I'd think it be a good idea and be rather interesting. away! :E

Ground (the solid surface of the earth)
Ground (to crush or pulverize to powder by friction)
Spam (Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups)

Spam (A canned pork product made by the Hormel Foods Corporation)
Tit (either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman)
Tit (small insectivorous bird)
Cun... errr...

Mobile (Sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents)
Mobile (Moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place))
Mobile (A wireless phone that gives you cancer)
rap A genre of music
wrap To encase in cloth or other material

bitch A derogatory term for a woman
bitch A female dog
Ritz An often bitchy forumite on the forums.
Ritz A rather tasty little snack biscuit thing.
Ritz A 5 star hotel in London.
SimonomiS said:
Tit (either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman)
Tit (small insectivorous bird)

You also have "Tit" - a derogatory comment against a guy, often followed by the word "head", e.g. Simonomis you tithead

*fondles Simonomis's soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs and giggles madly*
SimonomiS said:
Ritz An often bitchy forumite on the forums.
Ritz A rather tasty little snack biscuit thing.
Ritz A 5 star hotel in London.

da lol dude :E
cast - to throw or lob an object
cast - a group of actors performing in a play, musical, or movie
cast - the act of chosing actors for a play, musical, or movie
cast - a thing they wrap around your limbs when you break them
cast - a mould for pouring statues or figurines or whatnot
cast - the act of forming a liquid metal into a particular shape
caste - a societal class level
cast - to calculate or add up a collumn of figures
cast - to turn a ship to the opposite tack
Dan said:
cast - to throw or lob an object
cast - a group of actors performing in a play, musical, or movie
cast - the act of chosing actors for a play, musical, or movie
cast - a thing they wrap around your limbs when you break them
cast - a mould for pouring statues or figurines or whatnot
cast - the act of forming a liquid metal into a particular shape
caste - a societal class level
cast - to calculate or add up a collumn of figures
cast - to turn a ship to the opposite tack

A prison cell
A monk's cell
A nun's cell
A small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect's wing.
Biology. The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
The smallest organizational unit of a centralized group or movement, especially of a political party of Leninist structure.
A single unit for electrolysis or conversion of chemical into electric energy, usually consisting of a container with electrodes and an electrolyte; a battery. Also called electrochemical cell.
A single unit that converts radiant energy into electric energy: a solar cell.
A fuel cell.
A basic unit of storage in a computer memory that can hold one unit of information, such as a character or word.
A geographic area or zone surrounding a transmitter in a cellular telephone system.
A storm cell.
A small humble abode, such as a hermit's cave or hut.
A small religious house dependent on a larger one, such as a priory within an abbey.
A box or other unit on a spreadsheet or similar array at the intersection of a column and a row.
Short for cellular phone
I did not look at the "Mime does torn" thread to come up with these:

Mime (An actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression)
Mime (Loser who can't sing pretending to be able to)
Torn (Having edges that are jagged from ripping)
Torn (Mentally torn between two different things)

ríomhaire said:
A prison cell
A monk's cell
A nun's cell

A small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect's wing.
Biology. The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
The smallest organizational unit of a centralized group or movement, especially of a political party of Leninist structure.
A single unit for electrolysis or conversion of chemical into electric energy, usually consisting of a container with electrodes and an electrolyte; a battery. Also called electrochemical cell.
A single unit that converts radiant energy into electric energy: a solar cell.
A fuel cell.
A basic unit of storage in a computer memory that can hold one unit of information, such as a character or word.
A geographic area or zone surrounding a transmitter in a cellular telephone system.
A storm cell.
A small humble abode, such as a hermit's cave or hut.
A small religious house dependent on a larger one, such as a priory within an abbey.
A box or other unit on a spreadsheet or similar array at the intersection of a column and a row.
Short for cellular phone

Things in blue - essentially the same thing, no? Damn cheat!:P
Shot - To be hit from a bullet fired by a gun
Shot - To have your pitcure taken
mate - a buddy or pale
mate - to have sex
mate - the deck officer below the commander
mate - to pair animals together for breeding
mate - to achieve checkmate

deck - a porch or veranda
deck - to hit someone so as to knock them over
deck - the upper surface of a ship
deck - a cassette

duck - web-footed water fowl
duck - to lower one's head

board - a plank
bored - to have drilled a hole into a plank
bored - tired or lacking interest
board - to step onto a ship like a pirate would
board - to cover with planks, like a window or something
board - to receive meals or food and lodging
board - a group of people who supervise stuff and give orders
Interesting fact: the word with the most meanings in the English language is 'set'.

1. To put in a specified position; place: set a book on a table.
2. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty.
1. To put into a stable position: set the fence post into a bed of concrete.
2. To fix firmly or in an immobile manner: He set his jaw and concentrated on flying the plane through the storm.
4. To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken: set a broken arm.
1. To adjust for proper functioning.
2. To adjust (a saw) by deflecting the teeth.
3. Nautical. To spread open to the wind: set the sails.
6. To adjust according to a standard.
7. To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration: set an alarm clock.
8. To arrange properly for use: set a place for a dinner guest; set a table.
9. To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.
10. Printing.
1. To arrange (type) into words and sentences preparatory to printing; compose.
2. To transpose into type.
11. Music.
1. To compose (music) to fit a given text.
2. To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.
12. To arrange scenery on (a theater stage).
13. To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: a play that is set in Venice.
14. To prescribe or establish: set a precedent.
15. To prescribe as a time for: set June 6 as the day of the invasion.
16. To detail or assign (someone) to a particular duty, service, or station: set the child to cleaning the closets; set guards around the perimeter.
17. To incite to hostile action: a war that set families against one another.
1. To establish as the highest level of performance: set a world aviation record.
2. To establish as a model: A parent must set a good example for the children.
1. To put in a mounting; mount: set an emerald in a pendant.
2. To apply jewels to; stud: a tiara that was set with diamonds.
20. To cause to sit.
1. To put (a hen) on eggs for the purpose of hatching them.
2. To put (eggs) beneath a hen or in an incubator.
22. Sports. To position (oneself) in such a way as to be ready to start running a race.
23. Sports. To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.
1. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition.
2. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.
3. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life.
25. To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed attitude. Used of a hunting dog.
26. Botany. To produce, as after pollination: set seed.
1. To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.
2. To fix (a hook) firmly into a fish's jaw.

bush: texas twit

bush: errr ....a female something something

ok I cheated
Saw - sharp tool that is used to cut things

saw - a term used for people who have noticed something/one.



sue. (pronounced - sow)
CptStern said:

bush: texas twit

bush: errr ....a female something something

ok I cheated

Slang and names don't count.
StardogChampion said:
Cun... errr...

Mobile (Sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents)
Mobile (Moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place))
Mobile (A wireless phone that gives you cancer)

As the last one is a contraction of "mobile phone" and the "mobile" part refers to your second definition, it's not a homonym. Damn cheat ;)
plane - airplane
plain - geological structure
plane - geometric plane
plain - just plain dumb etc.
plane - plane of existence? kinda cheating there i guess..
Pound - Unit of weight or currency.
Pound - To beat something.
You can add these to list of cell


1. To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.
2. To offer for sale, as for one's business or livelihood: The partners sell textiles.
3. To give up or surrender in exchange for a price or reward: sell one's soul to the devil.
4. To be purchased in (a certain quantity); achieve sales of: a book that sold a million copies.
1. To bring about or encourage sales of; promote: Good publicity sold the product.
2. To cause to be accepted; advocate successfully: We sold the proposal to the school committee.
6. To persuade (another) to recognize the worth or desirability of something: They sold me on the idea.