The Ichthyosaur



What do you think will happen with the Ichthyosaur.

I was playing through half-life again and I noticed a few things.
The Ichthyosaur has arms.
They only show up in murky water.
There seemed to be no water of that type on xen.
Xen is a border world and we didn't see much of it though.
They could have been from Race-X's world or something.
There didn't seem to be any open waterways that they could use to get out of Black Mesa, they might not need to though.

I also remember killing one with my crowbar, it was fairly easy I took almost no damage.

I don't think they will play a prominant role in HL2, when they do show up I would think that they are larger and stronger. I also expect they will use their arms this time, climbing mainly.
:eek: I'm lost, for sure they'll be in Half-Life 2?

Welcome to the forums :cheers:
DieH@rd said:
so do I. I think they will be there.

They will be. Gabe already confirmed it when asked how they were going to stop people from swimming to the edge of a map.
If you jump through Nihilanth's portals three times you can find an Ichthyosaur in the water below the huge chamber.

In Half Life they were always in enclosed spaces and still one of the scariest enemies. Imagine swimming in open water with those lurking around ;)
Raxe X better not be in hl2....race X sucked. The itchysaour is Xen, Valve never made Race X thus all ALiens in half life 1 are from Xen...

plus theres plenty of water in blue shift
Maybe the arms were for holding prey?

And I must admit that I quite liked Race-X. VALVe may not have made them directly, but Gearbox worked very closely with VALVe in making the expansions...
Samon said:
Raxe X better not be in hl2....race X sucked. The itchysaour is Xen, Valve never made Race X thus all ALiens in half life 1 are from Xen...

plus theres plenty of water in blue shift

You're contradicting yourself. You say Race-X aren't cannon because Valve didn't make them, but you think Blue Shift proves that there's lots of water on Xen.
Make your mind up :p
now that doesn't make sense at all....race x is OF not Blue Shift
aye but blue-shift and opposing-force are both made by gearbox !!
The_Monkey said:
So Race-X's homeplanet is not Xen?
And as people said, yeah it'll be in HL2.
Just before you see the first one and get the crossbow, the scientist says that it was apparently brought back by some deep-sea diving expedition or summat, but that he didn't believe it. So whether it's Xen or not is debatable...
A deep sea crature with the same blood colour as the aliens, and a very unearthly appearance?
el Chi said:
And as people said, yeah it'll be in HL2.
Just before you see the first one and get the crossbow, the scientist says that it was apparently brought back by some deep-sea diving expedition or summat, but that he didn't believe it. So whether it's Xen or not is debatable...

It could be both, it came from xen it just did so a while before anything else. A sign of a weakening of the dimentional wall, the weakend wall was the catylist for the resonance cascade.

That is if the teleportations were not localized to black mesa.
oldagerocker said:
it might not be an alien, just a deep sea creature...! like a shark !
sure man ,if they already lived on earth y did some of them teleport into black mesa then ? and there was a single ichyosaur in a big lake in xen (i saw it with my own eyes ). well i hardly need to tell the rest. :bounce:
Read my post - they are from Xen. There's one in the chamber Nihilanth teleports you to.
murky indeed.
Why are there posters of the ichthyosaur in parts of Black Mesa?
Were they there prior to the lambda incident?

We know that science teams were on Xen before the incident. Collecting samples and such.
well ,they collected some creatures and specimins of stone and other things, and suddely they saw a big lake with big beasts living in it . they thought it would be great to study them so they catched 1 or 2 and brought them to earth ! (well i guess that :) )
Ch1cKeN said:
murky indeed.
Why are there posters of the ichthyosaur in parts of Black Mesa?
Were they there prior to the lambda incident?

We know that science teams were on Xen before the incident. Collecting samples and such.
way-hey! Avatar!
See, I was about to say that. There's an Icthyosaur on Xen. I assume, judging by it's size, that it was 'pulled' through by that device seen in Decay (forgotten what it's called). They woudl have been studying for a while, considering the seemingly specialised reseacrh labs in Op4's Crush Depth level.
please ,can anyone tell me what "Decay" means ??????
oh ok ,but are there any diffrents between the original and the PS2 version ?

PS2 - use a joystick to aim

PC - use mouse/keyboard/other things to aim.
also the ps2 version HL looks can I say...well looks like you be playing HL in it maximun graphic quality

I also remenber that ichtyosaur in Xen
and gabe say that the way to dont swing out the map level are the ichtyosaurs?
eber said:
oh ok ,but are there any diffrents between the original and the PS2 version ?
Well there's a 'cheat mode' for PS2 which lets you play through HL as a vortigaunt. If you do the ending is different.
Decay is a co=op game for PS2 that is different from the PC HL games, but is connected by the same plot.

And Icthies are Xen-ish. Quite ferocious too. :)
Ichtys are in HL2.

It's kind of a wierd thing. I'm glad they're in HL2 because they're ****ing scary, they're mean, and in watery areas, they will make me the most tense person on Earth.

On the other hand, those are the same exact reasons as to why I despise the damn creatures. I have a fear for anything underwater in video games. When the shark was chasing you in Tomb Raider, I would just yelp, pause the game, and sit there for half an hour contemplating wether or not I should continue. Underwater beasties get under my skin because it's more difficult to see them due to low visibility. Even worse, they can attack you from virtually any angle.

But the Ichthyosaurs? So much worse. I nearly shat myself.
I reckon you woulda' loved "It Came From The Desert", then... The scariest giant ants you've ever seen, coming right at you, with no warning, almost no way to stop them, and no chance to get out of the way...
Holy crap! I remember that game! Great stuff it was.

That never really got me creeped though. Only underwater baddies do it for me.
Hey, wouldn't ICFTD make a great FPS?

First time I saw an Icthy, I immediately knew the true meaning of "OMGWTF!!!!????"...
I fell off my chair when the Ichthyosaur attacked me for the first time. :p
I hope they fix the animations and sound fx for the icthy tho. They always moved jerkily, and on land they looked absolutely retarded. There were only 2 souns for it, both best described as a "Guunh" sound that repeated every time it hit/tried to hit you.
and on land they looked absolutely retarded.

Lol, ah god they were hilarious. :D You're not meant to get them on land. God, remembering stickign them on land int eh level editor made me laugh so much....