The Incredible Machine!


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
God I used to love theem. I played TIM 3 on my dad's first PC (Running Win 95)

Anyone remember these games? :afro:

I want to play them again :(
I remember my dad almost refusing to let me install a copy of TIM 3 on our 1st computer because he was afraid of viruses....I pulled it straight out of the box in front of him.

These games were so much fun and so hard way back when I played them like....10+ years ago.

I bet you I could plow through them now.
Man I loved those games so much. The Incredible Machine and The Even More Incredible Machine.

When I installed them however at a later date, they ran so fast the game was unplayable. It's like they were based off my computer speed, and I couldn't slow them down to normal speeds.
There are not many games out that had that style of gameplay, the closest is armidillo run, but its hard to find a most game out with the same gameplay
I remember my dad almost refusing to let me install a copy of TIM 3 on our 1st computer because he was afraid of viruses....I pulled it straight out of the box in front of him.

These games were so much fun and so hard way back when I played them like....10+ years ago.

I bet you I could plow through them now.

Don't draw conclusions before you play, grasshopper.
I used to love'em too, truly great games, I played'em so much back when I was in first grade of school on the class computer!
What ever happened to the people making them? I thought someone would surly continue the series.
I loved that game so much. It was like the first game I played regularily
I love The Incredible Machine.

@Raziaar: Use dosbox if it runs too fast.