The International 2014 Prize Pool Reaches $10M


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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After 48 days of crowd funding, the prize pool for The International 2014 surpassed the $10,000,000 mark earlier today.


After the original ultimate goal of $6,000,000 was passed in late May, Valve expanded the list of stretch goals with a bunch of new incentives to promote continued support given the significant two month long time gap between the goal's completion and The International 2014 tournament next month.

Since there is still three weeks to go before the start of the event on July 18th 2014, it remains to be seen whether Valve will introduce any additional stretch goals to push additional donations. We don't think it's entirely likely given how slow the prize pool's growth has become in recent weeks, dropping to around $30,000 per day over the past week or so.

While it is pretty unlikely that the prize pool will rise much further, the recording breaking $10,000,000 amount is already unprecedented for an eSporting event, eclipsing the previous top tournaments, including all three previous Internationals, by a substantial amount.

With so much money on the line, The International 2014 is going to be quite the exciting event, and we can't wait for things to get underway.


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ten ****ing million. 10. TEN.

winning team takes 5 I guess? So every player in that team gets 1.
When you hear the word one million it sounds a lot of course, but when you really think about it that is so much money ...