The iPhone is a piece of shit (new maddox article)


I love these kinds of articles. Made to make many lulz
He has a good point about the iphone being all smudgy. I constantly have to clean my screen on my flipphone. I can't imagine how bad it would be if the entire thing was a screen and I was required to touch it repeatedly.

I was gonna post it awhile ago but thought everyone had already seen it (11000+ diggs)
The writer has a point. The iPhone is nothing special. :|
Gotta love Maddox now and then. If he made one a week it would become utter crap - but once a month is fine.
His checklist is spot on, so I agree, Plus the added funny. Technically he bitches more than most girls on the internets, but atleast he does it semi intelligently.
I luuuuuurve my XDA Mini-S.

The iPhone is good but way over-rated and hyped + ripoff.
Maddox reminds me of a genius sometimes. I love his Titanic Conspiracy article. This one was great was well.
I want that nokia. :( My Moto phones blow asschunks.
Heh I can send this to my devoted apple fag friend who does nothing but talk about the iPhone, should shut him up :P

I didn't know that you could get putty onto phones... that's actually a really cool feature I'd like to have D:
I enjoyed the article, but I still kinda like iPhones. I've never owned one, nor will I ever own one though. But, I still think they're neat :D

Further proof Maddox is a god though
Retrosexual: This word wouldn't exist if "metro" didn't happen to rhyme with "retro." It's supposed to mean the opposite of a "metrosexual," which makes it another superfluous word since we already have a word for the opposite of a metrosexual called "straight."

from an older article

This seems like an appropriate time to repost this

Haha wtf?! That blender video is awesome. I need more.
Can somebody quote the article or the best parts of it please?

According to my work filter, the page is "Tasteless".

(Wants to read even more now. :( )
It seems like people have to hate everything that's popular. It's one thing to not buy it, but spending hours to write texts about how much you hate the iPhone just seems pointless and a waste of time if you ask me.
It seems like people have to hate everything that's popular. It's one thing to not buy it, but spending hours to write texts about how much you hate the iPhone just seems pointless and a waste of time if you ask me.

You are familiar with Maddox... right?
Gotta admit though, that iPhone took quite a beating from the blender before it went dead. Seems sturdy enough.
Then why did you state Maddox as a specific example?

That's what Maddox does. It's entertainment.
Maddox's article exemplifies a tendency among certain population groups to bash everything that Apple produces.

I did find it funny, BTW.