The Island Trailer up!

Yeah i remember reading about this, looks awesome
Too bad Michael Bay sucks as a director, if it's anything like Armageddon or Pearl Harbour I'm going to hate it.
Armageddon was good just because of bruce, and Pearl Harbour had some very interesting scenes.
this one looks pretty good, a good idea at least, and who doesn;t like seeing car crashes and shit blowing up?
I saw this trailer before watching The Ring Two. I'm liking it and it's shaping up to be very good.
Doesn't look like it will be mind blowing or anything, but it will probably pass 2 hours nicely.

Michael Bay doesn't suck that bad. He can only do his best with whatever script he gets. Unless he writes his own scripts/stories then yes he sucks...
it really looks like a new CultureIndustry crapfest.
kinda feels like the matrix. living in a fake world, then wake up, then find the truth. Awsome
Even though it looks like shit with a shit overused plot (omg clone who is the REAL Tom Lincoln?!) and a shit director, Steve Buccemi was in the trailer. He sold me.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Armageddon was good just because of bruce, and Pearl Harbour had some very interesting scenes.

Bruce Willis, one of the most overrated actors in the business. You can't really get any less thought-inspiring than Michael Bay's movies, but it wouldn't be so bad if he'd just try new ideas now and again, but all of his movies have very similar vains running through them.
mortiz said:
Bruce Willis, one of the most overrated actors in the business. You can't really get any less thought-inspiring than Michael Bay's movies, but it wouldn't be so bad if he'd just try new ideas now and again, but all of his movies have very similar vains running through them.
Yes. Veins made out of pure suckage, with feces running through them. Monkey feces. Dead monkey feces.
He makes good popular entertainment. Armaggedon got people watching Sci-Fi who would never touch the stuff.
This, however, looks more interesting than his normal fair.
It looks OK but cant really say until it comes out. The only thing I didnt like gave away absolutely way too much.

I hate watching a movie and saying during it "oh this character cant be alive/dead because I saw him in a part I havent seen yet in the trailer. Which means he is going to come back"

Stuff like that. Plus giving away who the real tom lincoln is, is kinda just stupid.
Unless the trailer is just leading you on. :D
Wouldn't be the first time.
MilkMan12 said:
It looks OK but cant really say until it comes out. The only thing I didnt like gave away absolutely way too much.

I hate watching a movie and saying during it "oh this character cant be alive/dead because I saw him in a part I havent seen yet in the trailer. Which means he is going to come back"

Stuff like that. Plus giving away who the real tom lincoln is, is kinda just stupid.

lucky for me that i couldnt be bothered watching it then :thumbs:
How come International Trailers always seem to be better than the domestic ones? kinda pisses me off that we get the shitty ones... thank god for, right?
What happened in the first trailer???

It started out great for the first 20 seconds, and then the music lost its quality, and the clips just kinda splashed together in a great incoherant mess. Like the standoff, and the bracelet, and the "don't shoot I need him" quote by the guy pointing a pistol at the clone. Then we switch to a choir in the background to make the trailer sound better, but the clips get even worse: Man standing in hallway; extreme closeups of helicopters; plenty of out-of-frame action scenes; non-sensical explosions; etc.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but I'm even more confused now than when I first heard of this movie. Anyway, the first trailer gets a D+; as you can tell, I thought it turned to crap.

On to trailer 2...

This one had a longer introduction and got me thinking of something more peaceful and completely different than the other one. I especially like how "The Perfect Life" turns into "The Perfect Lie". The trailer keeps a nice slow pace well past the half-way point, and we delve more into the science-fiction instead of the action. Similar action scenes crop up again and the music transorms into the choir, but with this one the transfer isn't as abrupt. The clips are pretty much the same from here on, but the way they are ordered seems to work better. They also aren't as close-up as the other trailer, and they flow better because of this.

This trailer is much better. It isn't anything astounding by any means, and it does essentially what the first trailer did, just better. B-

Sorry for the long post. I had a tough day and just felt like writing something opinionated.