The Lady In The Water

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Just saw this movie. I didn't have much expectations for it. It was alright...i have mixed feelings about it. It was cheesy, predictable and lacked backstory to explain some parts so it felt like they threw something in because they were in a hurry or couldn't think of something better. It had some good potential, I liked the way it ended and i liked the story, I just didn't like the way they got things done. I honestly wouldn't pay for this movie...good thing I don't have to. It had a rushed movie feel to it which is a shame as this could have been really good.
Did it actually have a plot twist at the end?

If not, I may actually see it.
They're called ****ing NARFS. I make up better names than that grunting in my sleep.

Did it actually have a plot twist at the end?

If not, I may actually see it.
Actually, it turns out the whole thing takes place in 1820.

Honestly, someone could spoil the entire film for me and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it. The Village made me just hate Shymalan.
There's also a sex scene between the sprinkler monster and the dude with glasses.
Looked like shit, creepy woman walking around an apartment pool, ooooooh, spooky
i am a big shyamalan fan but this movie did look kinda stupid.
It was alright...dont pay for it. Its not worth it. Maybe download if your bored as it is different from all the other crap that has been released but just because it is different doesn't make it not crap.