The Last Samurai


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Saw it yesterday, great movie. Didn't think it would be so good, especially the end was well done.

Anyone else seen it?

If you don't know what movie I'm talking about, check it out here:
i saw it month ago. Its great, well I did not like the last bit where TOM live, he should ve died.
G0rgon said:
i saw it month ago. Its great, well I did not like the last bit where TOM live, he should ve died.

Way to spoil it! :P
ya dude u dropped a spoiler! I thought the movie was great. Probably best out of the ones i saw in 2003. I thought the ending was good. At least its not like the fairytale happy ending u always get.
I thought it was really good on first impression, then after mulling over it, I found it was kind of ridiculous. The Japanese probably wouldn't like it one bit that a gaijin (foreigner) was the only one to preserve Japan's ancient traditions. How likely is it that

*SPOILERS (maybe) *

a foreigner would be able to hold off several trained samurai with a strange weapon? How likely is it that some samurai wouldn't take it upon his honor to remove the foreigner from the village? Not very likely. And yes, he should have died. Still, I liked it. It was a very entertaining and well-done movie.
i liked the film too, which is a major first for something coming out of hollywood. although the cheese started wafting in after i'd started thinking about it. much like Draklyne. sort of got sappy and too much like a hollywood flick towards the end but overall one of the better films i've seen recently.