The Legacy of Pesmerga: Koola and the Bitch Queen

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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Right so...there's this thing I've been doing for fun. I think its time I posted this here. A few have already seen it, but I think its time all of read this. The basic premise is Koola Mena must join forces with our fallen comrade Pesmerga in an effort to beat back the gay forces of Zombieturtle. There are some familiar faces here and there. There will probably be some inconsistencies between the first chapter and subsequent ones since I screwed around with some stuff after the first and didn't bother to fix it. Oh well. Enjoy, queers.

Part 1: Into the Butt - A Legend Begins

A pestilence stalks the Kingdom of Shaquilonealstone. The pestilence is Casuals. As citizen after citizen succumbs and joins either the mindless ranks of the Fabulous Order of Queerbonia, or the Knights of the Casual Fields, renowned Bitch Hunter Rhys von der Goodridge, Templar Champion of the Order of Pripyat, Our Lady of the Mother Russia, is sent to frigid Norse lands to seek the aid of Samuel Ferrel of Panama, known as Bitchslayer in hopes of destroying the Bitch Queen of Angstmar, Patrick the C*nt before all hope is lost.

It is often said that great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them .

This was not the case with Samuel Ferrel, the Pesmergan Demon of Panama Canal.

The birthing of Samuel Ferrel of Panama was a major event. When his mother went in to labor it is said that it created such a disturbance in the natural world that druids from all over the Norselands converged on Panama Canal to investigate the disturbance. The protracted, violent birthing went on for many weeks and Samuel's father, the village chief, posted a half dozen of his most loyal thanes outside the longhouse in which the birthing took place out of fear that the carnage and madness inside might spill out into the village.

Finally, after nearly a month, Samuel Ferrel of Panama emerged from the womb, clutching the afterbirth firmly in his already mighty grip. Drained by the ordeal, his mother expired shortly after seeing her son. Despite her ordeal, she died happy knowing she had birthed a paragon of Norse manhood.

Young Samuel wasted no time in making a name for himself. By the time he was 13, he had slain his first bitchling. At the age of 15 he defeated a terrible kraken that menaced the longboats of nearby Port Valdez for which he was rewarded with the honor deflowering every maiden in the tribe. Samuel took his pleasure and left, never returning to the village. When asked many years later why he never returned to see if he had left any progeny in the village, Samuel uttered the now legendary piece of wisdom “Bitches ain't shit, young pimp.”

When Samuel was 18, his father passed on to Valhalla. Before Samuel could take his place as Chief of Panama he would have to prove himself in a glorious quest. Armed with the Panama clan's ancestral warhammer, Bitchbane, he set out to the foreboding citadel of 2Fort. This tainted edifice was the seat of the greatest enemy to teambased warfare in all of the Norselands: Archcasual Derek Shamrockovich.

Traveling many long months in to the blackened realm of the Casuals, Samuel was beset on all sides by the enemy. But against a warrior of Samuel's skill they were powerless and fell by the thousands. He cut through the seemingly endless host of Casuals like a scythe against a fresh harvest, racking up a kill tally that would be spoken of forevermore by all professionals. After weeks of fierce slaughter, Samuel finally found himself at the gates of 2Fort. With a few judicious blows, he shattered its flimsy gate and entered the courtyard.

Shamrockovich sent forth his handpicked champions, The Netters. Despite their allegiance to the Casuals, they proved to be fierce opponents for Samuel, but in the end they fell. First to fall was Alex the Bald, blood gushing and bones shards flying from his chest as Bitchbane crushed his ribcage. Danimal de Sapwell joined him in death not long after, shattered into pieces by the mighty hammer Bitchbane. This continued until only the sworn brothers, Emporius the Child of the Maple Leaf and Xevrex the Gay remained.

Astonished by the butchery they had just seen inflicted upon their team, the two cast down their weapons and submitted to Samuel, begging for mercy. Samuel pondered the situation for but the briefest of moments before passing down his judgment.

“You two have seen the err of your ways and witnessed the power of Samuel of Panama,” he intoned, “but you must still be punished for being in league with the Casuals. I condemn you to an eternity of playing World of Warcraft. With Casuals you have sinned and now with Casuals shall you forevermore languish.” The duo wept tears of blood but accepted their punishment, for the only thing they feared more than the World of Warcraft was the cold kiss of Bitchbane.

Archcasual Derek Shamrockovich himself now came forth. “You stand no chance against me, Panama. I have practiced the soldiering arts for countless hours. You have come to your death, fool. Face the wrath of Shamrockovich!!”

The battle lasted mere seconds. While none could deny that Shamrockovich's knowledge of the Teamfortress was impressive, it was still a Casual art and it took Samuel but a few swings of his hammer to completely destroy him.

He then returned to Panama Canal and took a momentary rest upon his dearly departed father's throne. His rest would not last long however. As the new chief, it fell on him to defend his people from the machinations of casuals. He met and bested every challenge effortlessly, never once dreaming that tidings would soon come from the south that a challenge truly equal to one of his caliber had finally manifested...

Part 2: A Meeting of Butts and Men

After a long voyage by sea, Rhys von der Goodridge and his loyal manservant Ace finally reached the shores of the Norselands. Both were astounded at how life could not only exist, but flourish in such a frigid, inhospitable land. After purchasing the necessary provisions from local traders, the two men began their trek north towards Panama Canal.

The biting winterchill of the Norselands nearly proved deadly for the two Southlanders, and they barely survived their passage through the White Pass mountain range. But once that obstacle had been bested, they found themselves in the Valparaiso Valley, at the heart of which sat Panama Canal.

Manservant Ace was altogether unimpressed. “Ah, sweety do you really think these savages can help us fight the Bitch Queen?”

Rhys slapped the queermo so hard that he fell hard on his ass. “Do not speak to me like that,” he said coldly, “and do not open your trap during our time here. I will not see Shaquilonealstone lost to Patrick the C*nt because you could not keep your homosexuality to yourself.”

Tears welling up in his eyes, Ace nodded.

The two made their way to the heart of Panama where Samuel, the Pesmergan Devil, was said to dwell. The chief's longhouse was quite imposing, made from the finest lumber in all the Norselands. Two massive thanes stood silent vigil in front of the heavy wooden door. They remained silent as von der Goodridge approached.

“I come in peace, friends,” he assured them, “I seek but an audience with your lord, Samuel Ferrel.”

No sooner had Rhys finished speaking than the doors of the longhouse opened and a haggard, unshaven man stepped out. “Greetin' freeunds,” he drawled, “I'm Digi, Mayjah-do-mo of Chayf Pahnahmah. Awl dat he is, I weesh I wuz.”

Rhys and Ace bowed before the strange man. “I am Templar Champion Rhys von der Goodridge and this is my loyal manservant, Ace of Califaggia. We come seeking an audience with your lord.”

Majordomo Digi laughed a heinous, shrill cackle. “Tha Chayf knowz why ya'll ah heeuh. Come awn een.” Struggling to maintain composure in the face of the man's unholy accent, the two Southlanders entered the longhouse of Samuel.

Majordomo Digi led them through the ancestral halls of the Panama clan, telling them in great detail the origins of the countless trophies that adorned the walls. The Panama clan had long been the most renowned in the Norselands, and they had a veritable treasure trove of keepsakes from their innumerable past victories.

At long last, they found themselves before the Throne of Samuel.

Rhys bowed before the towering figure of Samuel of Panama. “I am honored to be in your presence, Chief Panama. I am Templar Champion Rhys von der Goodridge of the Order of Will Smith, Our Lady of the Mother Russia and this is my loyal manservant, A-”

“I know well who you are, Outlander,” Samuel interrupted. “Speak your piece lest you face Bitchbane in battle.”

Undaunted by the Norseman's directness, Rhys continued. “I come seeking your aid, Chief Panama. A bitch the likes of which have never been stalks the Kingdom of Shaquilonealstone.”

“Why should I care for the fate of Shaquilonealstone? You would perhaps be able to face this bitch if you yourself were not pledged to another bitch yourself!”

Horrified by Samuel's casual blasphemy, Rhys spoke out in anger. “Holy Toaster was not a bitch,” he blubbered, “she was a real gamer who provided much needed support to the team of clerics working on exorcising the demon that is Bobby Kotick! She was beautiful and pure and played hardcore games!”

Samuel laughed loudly. “While I question the purity of this Toaster I cannot question your faith. Very well Southlander, I shall aid you. But first you must prove yourself as worthy in battle as you are worthy in belief.”

“Any challenge you give me, I shall best. The fate of all Shaquilonealstone hangs in the balance.”

“We shall see. It has recently come to pass that the two leaders of the Krautnazi clan have perished in a chariot accident while chasing down the fleeing peasants of a nearby village. Their daughter Kathy, in her unfathomable grief, has been lured in to the clutches of Vegeta the Weaboo. He is a loathsome creature with beady eyes and the countenance of a pig. I had planned to deflower Kathy a fortnight ago but Vegeta spirited her away before I took my pleasure, as is my right as Chief of Panama Canal. You will flush out and slay Vegeta the Fat and return Kathy to my bedchamber so that I may cure her of her grief with the glory that is Samuel's Manhood.”

“I will do as you ask. Where can I find this Vegeta the Weeaboo?”

Samuel snapped his fingers and Majordomo Digi brought forth a strange looking satchel, a bottle of ink and a brush. “Go to the White Forest, a few miles north of here. Venture in to the heart of the woods and you will find a small clearing with a large rock we call the Hadouken Stone. Once there, use this ink to desecrate this satchel and it will bring forth Vegeta. He will be enraged so his withered muscles will be flush with more power than usual. All will not be lost however as his already vastly limited intellect will be further diminished by his anger. Slay him in single combat and then fetch Kathy and return to Panama Canal.”

Rhys drew his famed longsword, Autisticarver and pointed towards the north. “Vegeta the Weeaboo,” he called, “make your peace with whatever dark forces your heathen people worship, for the judgment of the righteous is coming!”
As with all things, far more enjoyable when not found on Facebook.
The pestilence is Casuals.
It is my greatest hope that one day, thousands of years in the future, when our society is forgotten and humans make their return to earth, they find a hard drive with this story in still in the cache. And it will be assumed that this is how the world was in 2010.

Death to the bitchqueen!
What the hell did I just read.

My eyes blew out of my skull and pierced the walls in front of me and killed three innocent passer-bys that were 200 miles away out of pure admiration for this fine piece of literary genius.
Vegeta the Weeaboo should be found locked in mortal combat (naked oiled wrestling) with Stern the Ancient.
This is the best thread on in months.
dix n butts

Part 3: Butts vs Chins: Requiem - Whoever Wins We Dix

As von der Goodridge and Samuel had their first meeting, dark forces were at work in the blasted realm of the enemy.

Sitting amidst a swirling vortex of whorish powers stood the Fetid Citadel, residence of the Patrick the C*nt, Bitch Queen of Angstmar. The sky itself was a sickening shade of green, tainted forever by the sheer magnitude of the evil that dwelled inside.

It was to this unspeakably foul fortress that Glenn, High Priest of the Cult of Patrick, made his way. He was a disgusting figure, his face and torso horribly scarred and disfigured by the self mutilation he had acted out in hopes of winning Patrick's favor. Flanked by two members of the Order of the Knights, the religious military order built around worship of Patrick and made up of his staunchest defenders, Glenn entered the keep of his mistress.

The chamber from which Patrick ruled his demense can be described only as a snapshot from hell. The walls were covered in elaborate paintings of the Bitch Queen. Reproductions of these works circulated throughout the land and combined with whispered rumors that Patrick had perhaps at one point played Deus Ex they served to turn men into mindless husks of their former selves, their wills bent eternally to Patrick the ****.

Patrick himself sat upon a throne of human corpses. Known as the Virgin Throne, it was a symbol of terror across the land. Each day a new throne was made for him from the piled up corpses of three dozen virgins sacrificed solely for that purpose. The victims were always happy to die for their Queen, for it was common knowledge he had only a passing knowledge of what a vagina was.

He shifted his boyish figure slightly as Glenn entered the room. Although he was his most powerful servant, even he was somewhat disturbed by how fervent he was in his service to him. Glenn knelt before the rotting throne of Patrick and fought to swallow the emotion he always felt from seeing a queer in person. “ALLO MY GODAS-QUEEN, I 'AVE EEL TIDINS FROM THE RELM AUVE SHAQUILONEALSTONE.”

Patrick frowned slightly, a spectacle that nearly made Glenn burst in to tears of rage. How dare any man go against the divine will of Goddess-Queen Patrick!

“What is amiss, High Priest?”

Taking strength from the voice of the man...woman...thing he worshiped, Glenn continued. “Your homosexuality continues to rightfully enthrall the men of Shaquilonealstone and the ranks of believers continue to swell as we press deeper into the heart of the kingdom. But there are still considerable sources of resistance. Of course the forces of King Nicholas de Naph still present an obstacle, but there are two other things that I find most troublesome.”

The Bitch Queen beckoned a slave over and had him fill his goblet, fashioned from the Skull of Sliver, with a healthy amount of virgin blood. He drank deeply before gesturing for Glenn to carry on.

“Despite cut off from the rest of the kingdom of Shaquilonealstone, the lands of Count Travis von Qonfusedula continue to resist us. The remaining forces loyal to the count are led by a young upstart known to us as Knight-Captain Limzner. Though his martial prowess is negligible, his dedication to his master is enough to inspire his men to fight on. They call themselves the Knights of the Sarcophagus, and they claim that they will resist us until they can summon forth what they call the *Avatar of Dutier, who will return their realm to its prior state and promptly force our minions to get out of there.”

“Ridiculous fiction,” Patrick said casually as he sipped more virgin blood.

“The most disturbing part, however, comes from precisely where we expected it to. Your coming to Shaquilonealstone was to be complete before the Templar Champion Rhys von der Goodridge returned from his great undertaking against Pi Mu Rho. However, it is known that he returned to the kingdom and has indeed already departed seeking the aid of none other than Samuel Ferrel, Pesmergan Demon, the Bitchslayer of the Norselands.”

Even the Bitch Queen felt a slight tingle of unease at the mention of Samuel's name. “How do you know all of this, High Priest?”

Glenn smiled, his yellowed teeth looking exceptionally disgusting. “Bring forth the prisoner!”

Two White Knights dragged a hooded figure in to the room. His arms and legs shackled together, the prisoner still tried to resist, shouting condemnations at everyone in the room.

Glenn took the hood off the captive. “Goddess-Queen Patrick, allow me to present Chase the Master of Wu-Tang, Former High Command of the Order of Toaster, Operator of Tollbooths”

Patrick smiled down at the captive former commander and batted his eyelashes at him. That simple act had been enough to turn whole armies of virgins against their liege-lords, but Chase simply spat thick yellow phlegm at the foot of the Virgin Throne.

“You will serve me, Chase. All your kind will.”

“I will never serve you queerbait,” bellowed the young veteran, “I will die before I bend the knee to one such as yourself! Holy Toaster is my guiding light and nothing you say or do to me will ever extinguish her divine glow!”

Patrick the **** simply laughed at his defiance. “Take him away and see to it that he is ready for my...undivided attention. We will see how well his faith sustains him when he learns that I know what a vagina is.”

Still screaming curses at his jailers, Chase was dragged away.

The Bitch Queen then turned to Glenn. “The resistance in Shaquilonealstone will soon be crushed beneath the heels of my Converse. As for von der Goodridge and Samuel, take a force to the Norselands. See to it that neither of them ever set foot in Shaquilonealstone again.”

Wordlessly, Glenn hurried from the chamber to carry out his mistress' dark will.

After a rigorous day of travel, Rhys von der Goodridge and his loyal manservant Ace found themselves on the outskirts of the White Forest.

“By Holy Toaster,” Rhys muttered as they passed into the woods, “I've never seen such an ominous forest. Not even the Ebondarkblack Woods compare to the darkness I sense here.”

Ace, severely sobered by the taste of Rhy's fist, nodded in agreement. “Indeed. There are evil forces at work here, sir. We should be careful, lest the blackness consume us.”

Rhys simply nodded, putting his hand upon the hilt of Autisticarver., whatever was out there, he would be ready for it and when it came, he had no doubt Holy Toaster would guide his blade to victory.

Finally, the two men found themselves in the clearing that Samuel had described. There was indeed a large rock, covered with undecipherable runes and paintings of women with calves that were far too large for their bodies. “Clearly this is the Hadouken Stone, Templar,” Ace deduced.

Believing his manservant to be quite astute in his observation, Rhys took the satchel given to him by Samuel out of his own pack. He next prepared the ink and brush. “Be prepared for anything, Ace,” the Templar whispered.

Dabbing the brush in to the ink, von der Goodridge proceeded to compose a sonnet of admiration for Holy Toaster upon the satchel. No sooner had he completed it when a ghastly howl echoed through the woods. Immediately, von der Goodridge drew Autisticarver.

Into the clearing stepped a massive beast. It was humanoid in shape but bore no resemblance to a human. The colossal body was misshapen, covered in rolls of fat, the foul white skin skin covered in pustules and gaping bedsores from remaining immobile for too long. The head was shaped like that of a man's to a degree but it did indeed have the countenance of a pig and a chin mightier than the warhammer Bitchbane itself. Clutched in one of his hamlike hands was the maiden Kathy Krautnazi.


Faster than a being of his size had any right to be, Vegeta Devingrag Spikowski sat Kathy down upon Hadouken Stone and rushed at Rhys.

The templar quickly sidestepped the initial charge and swung Autisticarver at his foe, the blade slicing through several layers of fat on the beasts arm. Vegeta howled in pain and lashed out with the wounded limb, striking von der Goodridge and sending him sprawling. The monster moved towards the downed adversary, cackling with animalistic glee as Rhys tried to pick himself up.

Vegeta's revelry was cut short by a thunderous noise as Ace opened fire with his trusty flintlock rifle. Renowned for his aim, Ace succeeded in putting his shot cleanly in to one of Veg's kneecaps.

Snarling at this new enemy, Vegeta began limping towards the manservant. But in his haste he forgot von der Goodridge, who had now recovered his faculties. Reaching into his longcat, he drew two flintlock pistols and discharged them at the abomination's back. Two ragged holes appeared in the beasts monolithic backside and it spun around once more to face the templar.

Vegeta the Weeaboo reached out to grab Rhys, but the seasoned warrior once again brought down Autisticarver and in a single mighty blow, succeeded in severing Veg's left hand from his arm.

It did not have the intended effect.

Howling in anger, Veg simply picked up von der Goodridge with his remaining hand and hurled him into Ace. Finding himself on top of his master, Ace gasped for breath.

“Well hello there, handsome.”

Rhys snorted and kicked out from beneath his servant and gathered Autisticarver once more.

The foul beast had taken the momentary lapse to regain its senses and overcome the pain that was now beginning to overwhelm its senses. Despite his own injuries, Rhys charged Vegeta and planted Autisticarver directly in the monstrosity's unspeakable genitalia.

The beast howled in pain as von der Goodridge pulled the sword out and began hacking at his shins. But once again the inhuman resilience of Vegeta won the day and with his good hand he grabbed Rhys once more and began squeezing the life out of the templar.

“Blessed Toaster deliver me from this evil,” Rhys gasped as he felt the life being squeezed out of him.

Atop Hadouken Stone, the sound of the battle had awoken Kathy Krautnazi from the stupor she had been in. “CHING CHONG?” she asked in bewilderment.

Ace looked up at the damsel and had a quick thought. “Oh nothing, we're just fighting your boyfriend,” he called up calmly as he put an ineffective shot in to Veg.

“noodlenong wing wang wongadong?”

Ace kept reloading. “Well, everyone in Panama Canal knows.”

“Ching chong vietnam devildog noodlenong?”

Ace kept reloading. “Of course he has.”


Wordlessly, Vegeta the Weeaboo dropped Rhys to the ground and sagged to his knees. Coughing and wheezing, von der Goodridge picked up Autisticarver and prepared to strike.

“Kathy.....Kathy....KATHY!” Vegeta roared. Overcome with self pity, the monstrosity tore Hadouken Stone from the ground, sending Kathy crashing to the forest's floor.

Without another word, Vegeta the Weeaboo caved in his own skull with Hadouken Stone. His lifeless corpse hit the ground with a deafening thud. Rhys limped over to Kathy and helped her stand. Ace sauntered over, having finally finished reloading his rifle. “Well all is well that ends well, right sir?”

Rhys von der Goodridge slapped his manservant once more, then walked over to the fallen body of Vegeta the Weeaboo. With a few judicious blows, he severed the abomination's head and turned to face the others.

“Let us return to Panama Canal.”

*I said come in, don't stand there.
I lol'd so hard I had to wipe the tears away to keep reading.
This story brings grown men to their knees in tears.

(wish I was in it somewhere...)
"It's getting a lot of laughs!"
"It's not supposed to get a lot of laughs, it's not a comedy!"
Holy Jesus it's awesome/an abomination of humankind.

I think you've got some skill in writing in awesome and may the State censor your works. D:
ctrl+f'd my name, didn't find it, didn't read. GG
You self centered losers.

It's like how he won't ask out that black chick he knows Willie is too scared to see things through!

Prove me wrong, biatch
Sure Danimal died within his one-line appearance.

But what about Banimal? The temporal, omnipotent mystical form of Danimal?!