The legacy of Zephaniah Mann


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Zephaniah Mann, under the insistence of his sons Blutarch and Redmond invested his wealth in purchasing vast quantities of gravel planes in the Americas and left his Cambridgeshire estate. It proved a great folly. He died of a variety of illness he contracted on his travels and the gravel turned out to be naught but fool's gravel and the pits were never to be found.

By his will, his company (Mann & Sons Munition Concern, later Mann Co., possibly based in Dublin) was handed over to Barmabas Hale, his wealth to his maidservant Elizabeth and his lands and assets in the Americas were split between his two sons. Reliable Excavation Demolition and Builder's League United were thus founded.

The announcer seems to be a descendant of Elizabeth and Saxon obviously of Barmabas.

But Zephaniah (which by the way means “hidden by God”) left something unknown to a mysterious gentleman. Both BLU and RED purchase equipment from Mann Co., but also from TF Industries, a company as mysterious as our bewildering enigma of a riddle gentleman. It is worth mentioning that Mann Co. is now owned by TF Industries. Could this gentleman have a familiar face? A face that was once meant to appear in Team Fortess 2?
Did you notice the man standing out of camera shot on the family portrait, you can only see his shoe and leg lol.
I'm begining to think there's a Team Fortess Timeline
TF2 - TF2:BoA - QW:TF - TFC
A face that was once meant to appear in Team Fortess 2?

From Laidlaw (with love):

...Finally, there was to have been yet another parallel story told from the point of view of a "Junior G-Man," which was partly prototyped by a crew that later formed the core of Infinity Ward. This turned into a game where you went through Black Mesa with the Team Fortress characters as sidekicks. The fact that we treated this idea seriously should give you a pretty good sense of how little we worried about canon or consistency at the time. It does not make sense to try and retrofit any kind of consistency on those older games except insofar as they give us interesting fodder for making new games.
Barmabas Hale looks more like an American Indian than anything Australia would have produced in that period.
The will states him to be of the "savage Austrailias".