The Limitless Potential - NIN Remixes


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
0 said:
Ever since Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor released master tracks from the songs of Year Zero, a contest was started on a fan site where judges came together to vote on over 200 remixes, finally pulling the list down to 21. Winners of the contest received a Hot Topic grand prize and a Faction piece of merchandise.

This remix isn't apart of the Year Zero Remix due out later this year, but fans shouldn't be turned away because of this. You can download this remix from most main torrents.

Just downloaded it now, there are plenty of torrents strewn around if you search hard enough. Some of these remixes are pretty good, you should all check them out seeing as how is basically a NIN fan forum :D
I am all over this. Thanks for the link.

Also, a Hot Topic grand prize? What kind of trifling NIN fansite is that?
I posted this in the NIN thread. It's a fantastic download with some breathtaking remixes of YZ. Kind of gets me wondering what the official remix album will sound like. And **** you guise, h0t t0p1c iz awsum!!!!!!
The God Given remixes blow my mind (especially resistance mix).
The solo during the bridge of Everything Is Zero fits so bloody well I almost wish it were a part of the original song.

<3 open source