The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
The team behind The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter mod for Half-Life 2 recently sent word that they have updated their website with several new pieces of concept art, weapon models, and miscellaneous game objects. Soon they will have even more delicious imagery to feast your eyes upon, so stay tuned.[br]

[br]As always, to view all of their updated media or for further information on this mod head on over to their site.
Is that a moose-horse? ahh the fabled moose-horse...who cares, it's different and i love it.
nice looking, amazing how the same style axe's can be made to look completely different, good job!
I forget, are those characters concepts, actual gameplay models or something in between?
They are rendered character concepts.

This mod is looking good, i cannot wait to see some ingame shots.

uhh, i realy dont like the mod's style... its to uh... gothicy, and i dont like gothic people.. no offence :sleep:

edit: i really like te name M1RAG3, its very cool :cheers:
Don't be too quick to judge, those are only concept renders, so that doesn't mean it will necessarily be representative of the final product. Give it a chance, because you never know... ;)

Oh, and thanks (I like it too). :thumbs:
Dodo said:
uhh, i realy dont like the mod's style... its to uh... gothicy, and i dont like gothic people.. no offence :sleep:

edit: i really like te name M1RAG3, its very cool :cheers:

'gothicy'? You mean dark fantasy? What's wrong with it?

There's a difference between gothic as a time period/idea and gothic as an image.
aku ankka said:
I forget, are those characters concepts, actual gameplay models or something in between?

As said they are rendered highpoly character concepts which will most likely be used to create normalmaps for the "lowpoly" ingame models so it will look very sweet imo.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Good feedback or bad; it's nice to know people are taking the time to view our stuff and write what they think about it.

As for being 'Gothic', we will be incorporating some gothic-style architecture (as well as romanesque, baroque and crude post-and-lintel designs) and a bit of game-noir, but there's no need to fear Vampires, Hot-Topics and/or pasty caucasians covered in black lipstick in our product. ;)

Hopefully we'll be able to establish our own motif beyond the D&D and LOTR paradigm. To reiterate: this is NOT a RPG.
i have to say that i liked the axes and the horse / rider.

I don't know what too Gothicy is but I don't think this MOD is it ;)

Nice to know that there will be some interesting architectural styles too :)

Keep up the good work guys
Great renders!!!
Is the team only working on the models atm or does it also work on code, textures, maps, menu, ... ?

I would love to see some ingame screenshots.
I'm the only one working on the weapon models, the others are busy working on their parts. We have a couple programmers, and a few mappers.