The Manditory 1,000 Posts thread!

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Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
I've waited for this moment for months, even since I joined. I'd like to thank everyone on these forums for being so... Themselvesish. I'm finally entering the less noobish range of postcountingness. Please don't let this get too off topic.

Edit: Look on page 2 for the game. Added late, sorry.
Have fun with your reset postcount.

And.. congratulations?
This has been done a half dozen times. We really ought to put up a sticky or in some way warn people about the whole 1000-posts thread = postcount reset issue.
I just wanted to celebrate that I acheived something I'd been wanting to acheive on any forum for years. But If that's so wrong you can delete this thread.
This has been done a half dozen times. We really ought to put up a sticky or in some way warn people about the whole 1000-posts thread = postcount reset issue.
It's a bug Munro has been working on for ages. He can't track the broken code in the mods that says:
if Postcount ((1000))
and ((New thread +Keywords [1000, post, woohoo]))
then reset

I think there's going to be a huge January update where the bug will be squished, but knowing Munro it'll probably be delayed for a graphical update.

EDIT: For you pedants, I don't know coding :p
I know how you feel man. It's great to acheive something you've been working for a long time no matter how silly it seems.

Like just on Oct. 12, i FINALLY managed to claw my way up to #1 on an HL2 DM server after almost a year of playing...(server name is RATZ) and even though I was #1 for only about 5-10 minutes, it still felt pretty darn good. And so Congratulations my friend!
You hear that? It's the reset train, and it's coming your way!
You have know idea what you've just done. Congrats + condolences.
I got 1000 posts ages ago but I doubt no one even knows me or even read one of my posts. :p
Usually I'd close this thread, but for the interest of the community, we'll leave it open until the deed is done. Many people have suffered this fate, yet they keep doing it! :LOL:
I thought this thread was going to try and get 1000 replies, rather than a member celebrating he had done 1000 posts.
what if he made it into a game, "I hit 1,000 posts, show me anything with 1,000 in it!"
Hey, that's a great idea Xcellerate

I now make this thread into a game (to save my hide)

Find anything with the number 1,000 in it. One at a time and no doubleposts please.
only 19,000 more to get to (nearly) the top spot! D:
I say let him keep it. He's just an oblivious little boy... I remember when he was only a lad, bumping year old threads...
Well, I never was informed about 1k posts being bad, so shut me up and call me GordonFreeman911.
Well, I never was informed about 1k posts being bad, so shut me up and call me GordonFreeman911.

Shut up GordonFreeman911

Everytime someone posts one of these threads their postcount is reset, I'm always amazed at how many people miss it.
It isn't the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean.
We should have a thread stickied dedicated to postcounts, a thread where people can jsut post and say "WOOHOOO!! I GOT X AMOUNT OF POSTS!!" and be done with it, rather than making entire threads for 1 persons stupidness.
See, with a skilled captain at the helm, there's no need to "batten the hatches", unless of course you just want to keep your ship from rusting.
I bet one of you has alot of barnacles on their boat! :LOL:


I'll leave now. :|
This thread just made me launch my lifeboats. I don't have enough for everyone though, only women and children.
/me grabs GordonFreeman911
Please! I have a child!
I'm all he has left!
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