The 'Many mysteries of the world' thread.

Jun 30, 2003
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I was watching a program on a youth channel, which is usually 30 minutes, and they have two hosts going to places and deal with unusual mysteries. They usually don't find something phenomenal, but they talk with all sorts of people and get very interesting information about the mystery they are investigating. These mysteries range from creatures, ghosts, vampires and etc...
This has gotten me thinking, what are the other mysteries around the world? What if there is a species of mythical beasts, that we have thought to be only in fairy tales, who's existance gets proven by science? Then they'd be like the other animals.
So, do you know any mysteries that's popular in your area/country?
Have you had any ghost experiences? In this thread, we can discuss any mystery that's out there.
My country is a giant fish that this guy hauled up from the bottom of the ocean. Prove that one ;)
If any of that shit existed there would be at least some evidence that hasnt been thoroughly destroyed and the randi million would have been won a long time ago.
How does a zipper work?

That's a mystery for ya.
James Randi does nothing for the pursuit of truth. In many ways he is worse than the phoney psychics and tv mediums that give true psychical phenomenon a bad reputation.
Zorrander001 said:
James Randi does nothing for the pursuit of truth.
How so? You do realise that he is not involved in any of the tests, and that there is no judging of results, dont you? What is a pass/fail is agreed upon before the test and any results must be self explanatory. So if youre gonna try to say the tests are biased, because its the only way out of accepting what a load of horse shit the paranormal is, dont bother replying.
In many ways he is worse than the phoney psychics and tv mediums that give true psychical phenomenon a bad reputation.
lol.. :rolleyes:
Swany4287 said:
Have you ever seen a baby pidgeon?

Yes. Yes I have, I raise many animals such as ringneck parrots, budgies (Or parikeets as you call them) We one raised a possum and we are currently caring for cocktiels, finches and yet another ringneck. Have you ever seen an antlion do the can-can? I have :laugh: it took alot of grenades though...

But seriously I may as well add to the mysterys of the world thing. Have you ever seen a greater wolven? If you haven't it is too late now :| Sadly

Another mystery. A sober Irishman =P
James Randi will never have to give those million dollars away, because those who can prove him wrong have better things to do, and a materialistic reward is perhaps not the best way to attract initiates in the great mysteries.
in my country are many legends and I know people who hav feel strange monents about that legends

if you want I can tell that legends and stuff here
<RJMC> said:
in my country are many legends and I know people who hav feel strange monents about that legends

if you want I can tell that legends and stuff here

Please go on, it's always interesting to hear such things :)

I remenber a legend of my country called El Silbon (el silvador, is in spanish translate it)

I dont remenber the exact version,but I know is about a man who hav killed hes family and eat them (I think) and he was like cursed,and he vague speccially in Los LLanos (a zone in my country that is like the sabanas of africa,like desert) and he make always make a sound like a whistle,and when the whistle sound close he is far and when the whistle sound far he is more close,the story go whit another litle,that was about in the age of may(month) of 1800 or something was a party in some town in Los LLanos,and starting to rain strong,someone of the party was to go to hes home but the people hav warned he about El Silbon but he didnt listen so he go to hes house riding hes horse (cuz was 1800) in the rainy night,so he was in the middle of the nowhere and hes horse stop,he was yelling to hes horse to keep walking but the horse didnt listen,the horse was scaried so the it get crazy and was start to scream and move violently so the man fall off of it,the horse runs away and the man was there in that place in the dark sorruonded of trees and plants in the rain,and he hear the whistle (some people hav teached me the ritme of the whistle) and he heard the whistle far,so you know what that mean,the man just pick up hes machete(machete:big knife,the people in the country here use it to cut large vegetation) and he was screaming dammed words (like go to hell devil or something like that) but he still hearing the whistles more far away and he was screming of phear ,until El Silbon hav appear in from of him and just killed him
thats one of the most famous legends in my country,and has the legend say El Silbon always appear in may in Los LLanos,one friend told me he was in a residence in some state of Los LLanos and in the night he could hear the whistles
thats one of the many legends that my country hav,I hope you like it
1. Why America think they can Police the world?
2. How was Stonehenge and the Pyramids really created?
3. Was 9/11 really set up?
I think I'l pass this one over to mr Homer Simpson.

1. Because they can, because they feel morally bound...because it makes them money.
2. With people...o_O
3. Yes...set up by the lovely bunch of terrorists most fo the, free, world now hates.
-Where is the Bernsteinzimmer?

A mystery about a room completely made of some rare and extremely expensive material (don't know if it's really 'bernstein') -> The nazis were supposed to build it back in WW2 somewhere, but so far noone has found it. I can do some research if anyone cares.
Yes. Report back when you have something substantial, and there may be rewards...

I shlal let you look at the room when I move in.
How the hell do those people remove their thumb from their hands? Will the world ever know?
Well... if I find it I might sell it to you... I'm not really interested in a room probably full of swastikas :)
The Thing said:
How the hell do those people remove their thumb from their hands? Will the world ever know?

That reminds me. My uncle stole my nose when I was 2 years old....I still don't have it back :(

To this day I don't know how he did it.
Ne 1 seen Most Haunted in the UK?
bout ghosts and stuff, ..
that programmes ok... :stare: :hmph:
bam23 said:
How does a zipper work?

That's a mystery for ya.

haha on friday I was thinking the same thing while I was looking at my book bag...pretty neat invention if I must say so myself.

Anyways, as for mysteries I was watching a show called Daily Planet yesterday and some guy was talking about Atlantis, and how they think they've discovered it.

I thought it was quite a scam, but it was kind of interesting I suppose.
KoreBolteR said:
Ne 1 seen Most Haunted in the UK?
bout ghosts and stuff, ..
that programmes ok... :stare: :hmph:

The one where they go into the haunted house for half an hour and their breakthrough is the camera picking up "orbs"?
Bad^Hat said:
The one where they go into the haunted house for half an hour and their breakthrough is the camera picking up "orbs"?

Otherwise known as light relecting off pieces of dust due to...night vision :O

Ha, I remember once they had a guy on the tele (It was a morning show) showing some footage of orbs, and he was really excited about it. When he finished showing it, he sat for a moment in an uncomfortable silence. THen one of the hosts said "Is that it?"

I couldnt stop laughing after looking at the mans face drop like it did...I did feel sorry for him though, being humiliated like he was on national tv.
I remember of a ghost story dating back in the early 19th century, involving a man who died from a fire in the woods from due to arsen. The kids who did it didnt realize the rest of his family were in the house. Ever since, he goes around causing havoc to all of the campers in the area. People go to sleep and wake up finding themselves in places that are nearly impossible to get out of. People see him walking around the camp area, with an h burned into his chest. The H is from the bars of the window when the wall fell on him during the fire.

There always big foot and champ too...

hee hee
I love the shows where they send psychics into a supposedly haunted place to give us "evidence" of a ghostly presence. It's always "I'm feeling a cold spot here". Naturally this cold spot is due to the presence of a portal from another dimension allowing the souls of the dead to come and go at will. You couldn't possible be cold due to the fact that you're standing in a prison that's been abandoned for fifty years in the middle of winter could you?

Also, the host of the show will always take them to a spot, explain the sites entire history, and then let them “do their thing.” The script normally runs like this:

Host: This is the boiler room. They used to take prisoners down here, strip them naked, beat them, rape them, and then finally thrown them screaming into the fire pit…alive.

Psychic: I’m feeling a lot of sadness here.

A truly amazing display of psychic power.
I live directly in Bigfoot country, I've heard people that claim to have seen him, and theres even a Bigfoot hunting club near here :D
Dublo7 said:
1. Why America think they can Police the world?
2. How was Stonehenge and the Pyramids really created?
3. Was 9/11 really set up?

1. The combine run America
2. Merlin put up Stonehedge, I can make pyrimids if you want
3. The GNAA (Gay ****** Assosiation of America) Think that Jews set up 9/11... those are sad people them GNAAs
CrazyHarij said:
James Randi will never have to give those million dollars away, because those who can prove him wrong have better things to do, and a materialistic reward is perhaps not the best way to attract initiates in the great mysteries.
Thats a pretty lame excuse. Better things to do then proving to the world that science is wrong, psychics do actually exist, getting a million dollars for an hours work and proving randi wrong on top of it all? Whatever.
Reaktor, most people of note within the psychic community wouldn't even consider approaching Randi for a very good reason. The mans reputation for objectivism and fairness is very poor, and the fact that he sets the guidelines and is the sole judge of his little challenge presents a problem for those who might take him up. Most people who have approached him have found his guidelines to be very counter-productive and hindering of whatever process they take to produce their results, and those who have actually gone through with any experiments report very anti-productive conditions. Some people have put a challenge to Randi with their own money, which would be handed over to him if they failed to produce results under their own guidelines which Randi would have to agree to. Ofcourse, this challenge has been ignored by Randi just as much as genuine psychics ignore him. To go even further, many have tried to take the man up on his challenge but have been ignored by Randi himself.

It is very clear that Randi is not a man in pursuit of a truth, but instead he is a man who believes completely that no psychic phenomenon is real and he is interested only in disproving it, and his test is designed with that purpose in mind. His challenge is useless.

If you want to know the truth about psychic phenomenon, I suggest you look to the plethora of truely objective studies and experiments conducted over the years with very talented people.

And to stay on-topic somewhat, I would very much like to know how Coral Castle was built.
Zorrander001 said:
Reaktor, most people of note within the psychic community wouldn't even consider approaching Randi for a very good reason. The mans reputation for objectivism and fairness is very poor, and the fact that he sets the guidelines and is the sole judge of his little challenge presents a problem for those who might take him up.
omfg.... as i have already said:
Honestly, you people are as bad as the prohibitionists.
Reaktor, the way the test works is Randi sets forth guidlines the testee must agree to, and the testee sets forth guidelines that must work under Randi's guidelines and Randi himself must agree. At which point the test is conducted and Randi himself decides if the results met the requirements. Given the mindset of Randi, these conditions are not very welcoming to anyone who might consider being tested by him.
Zorrander001 said:
Reaktor, the way the test works is Randi sets forth guidlines the testee must agree to, and the testee sets forth guidelines that must work under Randi's guidelines and Randi himself must agree. At which point the test is conducted and Randi himself decides if the results met the requirements. Given the mindset of Randi, these conditions are not very welcoming to anyone who might consider being tested by him.
The claimant is not tested by the jref ffs. They are tested by people independant of the jref. Randi has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. The claimants dont even have to make any contact with randi, they can just email kramer and he will try to get some people to conduct a test.
And there is no judging of results for the last ****ing time. You know this but are are blatantly refusing to accept it.