The Mark of the Beast


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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This thread title relates to religion. However, the thread itself is not meant to be religious discussion.

I'm sure you all know what the mark of the beast is. Its popular culture for the most part.

What I wanted to discuss, is what all of your opinions are on something similiar to what is described in the bible as the mark of the beast. Some sort of implant or something in the body, wherever it may be that one cannot operate day to day life without, such as buying and selling wares, accessing bank accounts and records, etc. Or some sort of human identification purpose where the government/whoever tracks everything that goes on in your lives from this 'mark of the beast'.

How would you feel about something like that? Would you rebel against it, or give in just to live your day to day life?

If you want to get into some religious discussion thats fine, but lets try to keep this mainly about the theory of such a thing being implemented. Credit cards/identification system imbedded into your bodies for use in day to day activities that you can't do without.
That would be good, IMO. Crime would go down immensley. You could never get away with a crime.

Also, the identification of people who are dead or incapaciated would be more easier.
You would have no qualms about feeling like a piece of merchandise with imbedded security device?
much easier to put it into a credit card sized all in one identification card or even a bracelet or what have you. IMHO it wont reach the implant stage till we do away with paper money altogether. The implant is usually a scare tactic used by technophobes and doomsday groups ..there's no real practicality behind implanting an identity chip when it's much cheaper/safer/less intrusive to use a smart card (which are already in use)
CptStern said:
much easier to put it into a credit card sized all in one identification card or even a bracelet or what have you. IMHO it wont reach the implant stage till we do away with paper money altogether. The implant is usually a scare tactic used by technophobes and doomsday groups ..there's no real practicality behind implanting an identity chip when it's much cheaper/safer/less intrusive to use a smart card (which are already in use)

It's all a 'what if' thing. But they are actually moving towards subdermal implants, my friend. The technology is progressing. We already see it in pets, which is entirely different than human beings. When you start getting into more oppressive governments, they may require by law these sorts of things in the future.

You never know. Its a what if. All i'm asking is.. how would you feel about it? I don't think its something thats just regulated to being 'scare tactics'.
this is just another example of a technology that people who would either embrace or reject. I dont think it'll fly anytime soon because people like their privacy and the thought of being tracked is enough of a deterrent for most. Of course there will be those that embrace it like they do any other technology

would I personally do it? no ..I dont trust corporations/government with my personal information. The less they intrude on my life the better
Its an interesting question, especially today with so many EZPasses and Quick Cards and Smart Cards and such being in use. For example, if you live in NYC and you get a subway MetroCard through your work, everytime you enter a subway station with that card, they (the watchdogs) know who and when you did and lord knows what else about you. Same goes for credit cards as we all know (so always buy your pr0n with cash :LOL:).

We already use implanted chips for our pets so that should they get lost, they can be relatively easily tracked down, same with our cars should they get stolen. Many parents are now giving their children cell phones that can be tracked using a GPS so that they can see what they are really doing when they say they are going to play at so-and-so's house. It would work equally well for husbands and wives who want to make sure their significant other is not falling off the wagon at the local groggery or committing adultery at the local no-tell motel.

Implanting some sort of tracking device seems like a good idea, but obviously (like so many good ideas before it), its only a matter of time before it gets perverted and taken advantage of. Someone (the president even?) will undoubtedly find a way to abuse what started out as a comforting concept.

If we could somehow keep it out of the government's hands, then 'yes.' If not, then 'no' for me I think.
rambler said:
what is the mark of the beast?

Well, strictly bible speaking, which i'm trying to avoid for the most part in this thread(but you asked what the name means). Its basically the mark of the antichrist. I hate quoting bible passages, but it only seems fitting here.

"And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads; and that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name." (Rev. 13:16,17)
Raziaar said:
Well, strictly bible speaking, which i'm trying to avoid for the most part in this thread(but you asked what the name means). Its basically the mark of the antichrist. I hate quoting bible passages, but it only seems fitting here.

So by the number, it means "666" I believe...or that number is just a made up number by some kid somewhere.

So the passage means to get branded somehow, like a major company would do if they had all the money in the world. But that would make everyone feel that the company is bad anyway because their basically controlling everyone. If they get their company's implants in their right hand, you get to by stuff from the company, and we get to send you unexpected bills for no apparent reason. So that would be a stupid company.
dream431ca said:
So by the number, it means "666" I believe...or that number is just a made up number by some kid somewhere.
Nope, not some random kid or random anything in all likelihood--from this article:
666 is the occult "number of the beast," also called the "sign of the devil" (Wang 1994), associated in the Bible with the Antichrist. It has figured in many numerological studies. It is mentioned in Revelation 13:18: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." The origin of this number is not entirely clear, although it may be as simple as the number containing the concatenation of one symbol of each type (exclude ) in Roman numerals: (Wells 1986).
I would hate it, its like an uber IDcard, and no doubt they would make it compulsery.
I'd rebel against it. I don't like the idea of having something put inside me for identification by the government or any other financial institution. The issue of privacy and civil rights would obviously come up.

Look how much the government likes to get into your personal business right now. Can you imagine what they'd be able to do with something like an implant.

However, one area that it might work would be convicted felons. The Japanese or Chinese used to tattoo symbols on the foreheads or arms of people who had disobeyed the law. I'm not saying that's good but it provided the felon with a sense of humility when out in the public. I don't know, it might be good for convicts and it might not. I had never really thought of it until now.

I heard that the number 666 came from ancient Rome and it was used to authorize vendors to sell goods to the people or something. I remember seeing a show on the History Channel about the Anti-Christ.
meh some early texts say the number was 616's all a bunch of crap, it's just a number
CptStern said:
meh some early texts say the number was 616's all a bunch of crap, it's just a number
Still interesting that it just so happens to be the sum of the squares of the first 7 primes...


666 = 1+2+3+4+567+89 = 123+456+78+9


666 = 9+87+6+543+21

Coincidence? I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. :)
coincidence yes ...evil manifestion of satan

also it's noted that 666 was spelled as six hundred and sixty six in the original hewbrew and greek texts of the bible ..NOT 666 the number doesnt really exist as a symbol of evil till man invented it
I don't like the idea of a unified ID card as it is (everything I do would require it; thus 'they' can see and track everything I do. Not a pleasant thought and I don't believe anyone should have such power) without it being implanted so that they can track me on the fly. What if I need to go into hiding? I'll need to gouge it out of my flesh, or stick a removal thing up my nose like in Total Recall or something.
I think I would find such a thing most unpleasant. As has been mentioned, knowing that some one was tracking you all the time would not be very nice atall. Espessially as everyone has something to hide, even the most law abiding amoung us...
CptStern said:
coincidence yes ...evil manifestion of satan

also it's noted that 666 was spelled as six hundred and sixty six in the original hewbrew and greek texts of the bible ..NOT 666 the number doesnt really exist as a symbol of evil till man invented it
True--'666' is the Arabic representation of that number that was spelled out alphabetically previously. My point is that I have a feeling that that number wasn't chosen at random given the mathematical 'oddities' involving it :)
Me being libertarian, I hate the idea regardless of what government creates it.

Me being christian, I would especially hate the idea if some antichrist government imposed it.
