The Mars Volta - Amputechture


Party Escort Bot
Feb 24, 2005
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Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante will guest on the new album by his pals The Mars Volta, reports
The star appears on 'Amputechture', the follow-up to 2005's 'Frances The Mute'.
Frusciante is repaying a favour to his pals - Omar Rodriguez appears on the track 'Especially In Michigan' from Red Hot Chili Peppers' current album 'Stadium Arcadium'.
The band have announced that the artist Jeff Jordan will be designing the cover.

The tracklisting for the album is as follows:

'Vicarious Atonement'




'Asilos Magdalena'

'Viscera Eyes'

'Day Of The Baphomets'

'El Ciervo Vulnerado'

After the masterpeice of an album that is Frances the Mute, I have great belief that this album will do no wrong.

The track 'Asilos Magdalena' has been leaked. If anyone wants it, send me a PM. My God, its fantastic. I can tell this album is going to be one of my top albums of 2006... gonna be a close call on Mr. Beast by Mogwai, though.
Pretty old news, but I guess most people here don't even know who they are!

Magdalena is a pretty good track, I love the chorus.

The track sounds a lot like it's been leaked as an album track, because it starts so abruptly and ends like that as well.
Neat, I can't wait to hear it. Any word on when it is going to be released?
Cerpin said:
Pretty old news, but I guess most people here don't even know who they are!

Magdalena is a pretty good track, I love the chorus.

The track sounds a lot like it's been leaked as an album track, because it starts so abruptly and ends like that as well.

Yeah, the news on the album is a good few weeks old now, but I thought I'd post the information now seeing as there wasn't already a thread plus I just got hold of the new track. The end of the track is so awesome, I can't wait to hear what it leads in to.
Super. I can't wait to hear what they've come up with for this one! They are such a refreshing breeze blowing through the stagnant, smelly swamp that is the music industry these days....
The album could either come out today, or August 15th. :)
I don't like the Mars Volta.. pretentious wankery. At The Drive in were sooooo much better.
Agreed. Well, not the part about not liking them. I'd choose an At the Drive-In reunion over the continuation of The Mars Volta anyday. I'd love it if they all got back together after this album.
I think ATDI are boring hardcore trash for confused suburban teens.

But hey, who cares. It's just another useless opinion.

The album is supposed to have loads of accoustic guitars, and the first track is reportedly a ballad, then the second track goes more into classic TMV stuff.
Well, I'm not one to lump music to a certain type of people. Anyone can listen to it, be them 'confused suburban teens' or just normal people, say for instance me, a 16 year old student. Its music. I try to stay away from having a problem with music because of people involved as much as possible. Not saying you said you did, I'm just saying, though.

But thats fair-do's if you think they're boring. :thumbs: I, however, love they're raw, exciting and energetic music. And thus, putting the heart of all that with music like The Mars Volta equals win.
Meh, I didnt like Frances the Mute much. Also, when I saw them on their last tour it was awful, which was especially disappointing, because the first time I saw them it was one of the best gigs i'd ever been to.


I'll probably still pick this one up though.
Cerpin said:
I think ATDI are boring hardcore trash for confused suburban teens.

But hey, who cares. It's just another useless opinion.

The album is supposed to have loads of accoustic guitars, and the first track is reportedly a ballad, then the second track goes more into classic TMV stuff.
See, I do't like hardcore as a general rule, I make an exception for them :p
I thought The Mars Volta were great when I saw them last year. Played a good blend of De-loused and Frances the Mute. Plus, I was pretty much right on the barrier in front of Cedric, and seeing him and Omar dancing was awesome.

I'd prefer to see At the Drive-In live, though.
*had no idea there was a new TMV album coming out any time soon*

*runs off to buy*
The track 'Vermicide' has now leaked, too. PM for link.

(By the way, I don't download: my freind does and he sends me the links)

Rumour has it the whole album has leaked somewhere.
What kind of music genre is the Mars Volta, I hear about them all the time but I never understand the hype about them. Whats one of their good songs I can give a listen to?
It's kinda prog rock, but very exciting and most of the time very fast and ripping stuff. Makes you want to dance, but in a good way. It's very guitar and vocal based, their singer Cedric is amazing, he sounds like a mix from Matt for Muse and Bjork.
The guitarwork is also quite good, some very innovative stuff going on there. They sound pretty heavy without actually having a heavy sounds, I don't know quite how they do it.

Check out:

"Take The Veil, Cerpin Taxt"

"Roulette Dares"

and "This Apparatus Must Be Unearthed"

These are the most accessible songs from their first album "De-Loused in the Comatorium".
They use alot of spanish and salsa elements, too, which blends nicely with their work. Very erratic stuff.

I agree, though. Go for songs of the album De-loused... as the album Frances the Mute needs to be listened to through-and-through to get the best effect. Deffo. get 'Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt', though. Its amazing.
Vermicide is an absolutely incredible track. If these two tracks are any indication of the full album, we are in for a work of art.
The new album is out, and it rocks.

Not as trippy as FTM, not as epic either, but very song based, and there's no noise between songs.

A lot of it sounds very... Queen ish. Cedrics vocals are definetly different. The last parts of "Day of the Baphomets" sound like a redneck musical on broadway. Very cool.
Yeah, my freind got a hold of it on Wednesday when the people that had the promo finally leaked it all instead of doing it track by track. Its excellent. Really, really good stuff. I'm glad its not as ambience-heavy as FTM. It was good, hell great even, but it kinda dragged stuff on.

Doesn't top Deloused, though.
Haha, such a wonderfully mad album. Viscera Eyes is my favourite so far, though it'll take a few more listens to ingest a couple of these tracks.
Deloused is one of my favourite albums of all time, couldn't really get into Frances though... must give it another good listening to...

Guess I'll be picking this up, wish it didn't come out right after I just had a big CD shop though >.>