The Mars Volta - Bedlam in Goliath


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Just got my copy today. It seems to flow a lot better than all of their previous albums. Their new drummer Thomas Pridgen, is a lot more aggressive than Jon Theodore. While I was fearing that Jon's departure would negatively affect the group, Thomas actually surprised me with his abilities. Overall, the album is very intense, easily their hardest album. If you preferred the disconnected sounds and rhythms of their older albums, you might night like this one as much.
I kept meaning to bump my old thread on this to post my comments but really, the album has unimpressed me so much I couldn't even be arsed to do that. Nah, but seriously, it hasn't reached out and grabbed me like the previous releases, which is a shame because I love The Mars Volta

I wish they'd just go back to doing stuff like Deloused. I know that was pretty experimental in itself, but when compared to Frances, Amp and now this, it was a lot different, and I kind of preferred their more straight forward, less mystic and crypic approach to song writing. I don't know, maybe I should listen to it more but I've given it time and I'm quite dissapointed.
Definately their best album since De-Loused In The Comatorium IMO. De-Loused is still my favourite, but this one is definately in second place :)

New drummer is awesome. I was kind of worried he would stand out too much from the rest, but the entire album is overall a bit "heavier" so it all blends together just perfectly.