The Matrix: Path of Neo preview


Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Gamespot has posted a preview of The Matrix: Path of Neo.

The game is scheduled for Q4/2005 release on PS2, Xbox and PC. Here's an excerpt:

Over the course of the game, you'll follow Neo's development as he not only acquires his knowledge of martial arts, but as he also gains his other seemingly superhuman powers, which let him manipulate the computer-generated world of the Matrix. These include the ability to dodge bullets, view the world with "code vision" (which causes the surface of Neo's surroundings to be stripped away, thus revealing the streaming green digits they're composed of), and fly through the air. And, yes, he'll even be able to stop bullets in midair before they reach him. Neo will apparently be accompanied by Trinity at several points in the game, who will act as a computer-controlled companion that will fight by his side. In the meantime, Neo will not only be able to grab guns, just as he did in the lobby shoot-out in the first motion picture, but he'll also be able to deliver several hard-hitting martial arts combination attacks. Additionally, you'll be able to use the controller's analog stick to switch his attacks between different targets while on the fly.
hmmm.... Shiny, eh? They did Enter the Matrix, and failed horribly, this looks like another piece of shit Matrix game from them.... i am not amused
Well, from what I can gather, the graphics suck.....
Am I the only one who thinks the graphics look pretty good for a PS2 ? And technically the engine is capable: normal mapping, bloom, depth of field, and able to animate 1500 Agent Smiths on the screen at the same time. With a decent framerate. On a PS2. (Source: )

I won't judge it until I heard what people who play it at e3 think.

And EtM wasn't that bad, it was just incredibly incredibly incredibly rushed. Buggy, horrible AI, mediocre graphics. When the bugs and AI weren't messing things up, I found the gameplay a lot of fun. Good story too, fleshing out Reloaded in an innovative way.
The graphics are nice, and the idea is potentially a good one...

bah, who am I kidding. This will crash. This will crash and burn. Even with the lack of a restricting deadline to keep up with with a film, I'm sure Shiny will make an extravagant flop.
I'll probably buy it regardless, being the fanboy I am.
No Gamecube version? :(
My hopes are sky-high, being the Matrix aficionado that I am.
its another one of those games that will be fun for the first half-hour, and then suck
1500 anythings on the ps2 will look like ass. Why'd the wachowski brother (and sister) have to screw things up so badly...
Shiny, what the hell happened? What happened to the good ol' days of Earthworm Jim and MDK? What about Messiah and Sacrifice? Why oh why are you good and talented people stooping to this level? Why waste your skills on this piece of shit? Has the mighty dollar finally claimed your soul?
I hope this turns out great just to see how you guys will react.
Honestly it might not suck. On the technical side of things it's advanced for consoles, if you're comparing it to PC games then you're just an idiot. Also, Shiny has a history of making good games, with the only exception that I can think of being Enter the Matrix. There's a lot of reasons for that, mainly being that they had to shove it out the door to coincide with the release of the movie. Also, if you read the IGN preview they seem very impressed with the game, which is about all we have to go on besides those three screenshots. It is true that licensed games are usually very bad, however it is also true that in the hands of a capable developer they can be great. The Matrix is a perfect franchise for video games if there ever was one, and Shiny certainly has the capability to make a good game.

Then again maybe it'll be a steaming pile of shit, I don't know. I'm just saying reserve your judgement.
Saw this in EGM, looks like Enter the Matrix except with Neo, I think the graphics haven't changed at all either, I doubt I will pick this up.