The Matrix Still Has You!

haha pretty good flashes. the twins=very funny.
Hehe, The Twins and The Siege :E
Hey, you're the sentinel that stole my gameboy!
This is not work safe. Could you add a note to say so at the top please?
None of these sites are worksafe anymore. Due to constant forum linkage they have to put out to advertising porn :)
Seige was really crappily done, the animation was poor and the jokes were pretty crap, but i liked all the others. im a fan of the reloaded one too =)

and seeing as the site gets money everytime someone clicks an add, i think that porn adverts are aqctually the best kind of advert that a site can have :naughty: (for the site that is, not for the children. wont anyone think of the children? DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!!)

voice from far away: Skrew the children!
This makes me want to watch the first matrix again :D

I liked siege and twins best...oh, and the other two as well

Formally known as The Agent Smith.

teh funneh :D :D :D