The Maxwell Edison Story

Obviously, this film is a metaphor. A metaphor for what? I do not know.

Avatar material? Maybe...
First time I've ever heard that song.
Yeah, didn't really find it funny, didn't really find it not-funny, just in a state of "WTF?" mode.
Wow....just wow....I'm in a state of "WTF?" mode myself.

Seriously Ritz, what the hell?
Shens said:
Obviously, this film is a metaphor. A metaphor for what? I do not know.[/size]

Maybe, Id rather not look into it and just stick with "Its a funny song with a funny flash to it"
I've always wanted to see a literal interpretation of that song.

bvasgm said:
Wow....just wow....I'm in a state of "WTF?" mode myself.

Seriously Ritz, what the hell?
What does Ritz have to do with it?
Steve_O said:
She kinda posted it...
Kind of.

What the hell does that mean, kind of? That doesn't make any sense. lol.
The_Monkey said:
What does Ritz have to do with it?
What do you mean what does Ritz have to do with it? Ritz found it.

Anyway, the more I watch it, the less confused I am....It is sorta funny if you just don't think too hard about it.'s_Silver_Hammer

"Maxwell's Silver Hammer" is my analogy for when something goes wrong out of the blue, as it so often does, as I was beginning to find out at that time in my life. I wanted something symbolic of that, so to me it was some fictitious character called Maxwell with a silver hammer. I don't know why it was silver, it just sounded better than Maxwell's hammer. It was needed for scanning. We still use that expression now when something unexpected happens.

Erestheux said:
Kind of.

What the hell does that mean, kind of? That doesn't make any sense. lol.
Your FACE doesn't make any sense!
that was brilliant. It was wierd, but the song was great
The_Monkey said:
Australia doesn't make any sense.
I'll tell you what doesn't make any sense...Koala bears being called koala 'bears'. That's what...Also..Australia being a country and a continent at the same time..
bvasgm said:
I'll tell you what doesn't make any sense...Koala bears being called koala 'bears'. That's what...Also..Australia being a country and a continent at the same time..
Also, your user name.
Things just don't make shens. Just go with the flow.
Arr, flash anims are teh sex. And GIFs. :upstare:
I thought that was great :D i've not heard that song before, very cool :)
Funny song because I had an evil teacher called Maxwell.

Not a great flash though.
Incredibly morbid. Heh. Though, I enjoyed it. It was very dark.

And we wonder why kids are violent these days :sniper:
Raziaar said:
Incredibly morbid. Heh. Though, I enjoyed it. It was very dark.

And we wonder why kids are violent these days :sniper:

Yeah, those pesky kids, eh?
Has anyone else considered the possibility that the silver hammer mentioned in the song was the hammer of a pistol, and not an actual hammer? Bang Bang?
How many pistols do you know where the hammer comes down on the head of the person you're firing at?
ComradeBadger said:
How many pistols do you know where the hammer comes down on the head of the person you're firing at?
mmm good point didn't read the lyrics carefully.
Um, I quickly scrolled through all these posts and didn't find anyone stating this.

That song was made after a real person you did, infact, kill 3 people with a silver hammer. I have no idea why The Beatles would want a song after such a though-less thing, but they did. So. Yea.

Anyways, he was just released from prison, actually.

There's the story.
Do you really expect to fool anybody with that Q-person? Lawl.

It probably was based on someone, though. A lot of songs are based on real serial killers. :D
Q_onfused said:
Um, I quickly scrolled through all these posts and didn't find anyone stating this.

That song was made after a real person you did, infact, kill 3 people with a silver hammer. I have no idea why The Beatles would want a song after such a though-less thing, but they did. So. Yea.

Anyways, he was just released from prison, actually.

There's the story.
I couldn't find any other sources to back it up though, and doesn't sound like a very reliable news source.
This is actually one of my favourite songs by the Beatles. In fact, I rather like Abbey Road as a whole, I think it's quite a good album.