"The memory could not be read" solutions.


Apr 14, 2004
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If you came up with a solution for this bug, please post it here.

There are some members who actually fixed the problem with diferent solutions... I was thinking that these solutions could help some members out.

You can find some soultions here:http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=51549

Maybe we could even send these solutions to Valve, so maybe, they can have clues for the fix by analising these isolated solutions(Dont flame me, I know they know better, but maybe it helps somehow, as the msinfo32s do)

As I posted on the other thread: I tried *all* the ideas on this board and the steam board, then finally found one which has worked. So if you haven't tried this already:

Move your memory! I had one 512Mb card and two empty slots. So I moved the card to a different slot. Problem gone.
I had to switch my memory from dual-channel to single-channel and switch my motherboard settings from "aggressive" to "optimal". This did the trick.
I read somewhere that just re-intalling steam and HL2 works in some cases... Does anybody here tried this and worked?
am i the only one that has this problem with cs source only? my hl2 worked right from the start. but it has been 3 weeks and 2 steam updates later and no fix. shit, i payed for the damn game, but i cant play it.
we already have a thread [ironicly the one you linked too] discussing problems etc.

this one is useless and will just be a copy of the other.
yaya... I also experienced the error on CS:S only... with no such problem on hl2, although it only happened to me once