The Merciful Leopard

it's not really mercy though...there's just not fast enough movement to trigger its hunting instinct.

saw the same thing with a cheetah and a young gazelle...the Gazelle had just been born few minutes before...when the cheetah chased of the mother. the gazelle didn't realise the danger and tried to suckle the cheetah and in turn the cheetah got confused and just sat there....well untill the little one descided to try and make a run for it...then it got killed.

Thing is, it was probably a female leopard... so it's no surprise there.
the same happened whit a lion and a baby gazzelle and that lasted for some time,it was news everywhere and in the local place is now a legend,dont remenber how the baby gazelle was killed

anyway the baby baboon will die if it was in the milk only feeding stage,and only milk of the other can nutri it so probably will die

or will become a super baboon whit leopard skills