the most awesome feature in Fallout 3 didnt make it into the game


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
bethesda designer posting on shacknews said:
Actually, during development I had one of the LDs make a dog cannon for me. It was a minigun that shot dogs, every time it shot it went "ROOF!" It was awesome.

they should make it DLC cuz I'd buy that in a heartbeat

oh and

some dude on shacknews said:
So, can we expect a Fallout3 DLC with more quests and NPCs?

bethesda dude said:
Still doesn't beat a rocket propelled chainsaw launcher.
chainsaw sniping.
Also it'd be nice if they had some different main story directions.
Also is the DLC likely to be free?
Oblivion had a lot of great DLC (shut up, horse armor does not count) so i'm betting Fallout 3 will too.
I expected to see character animations when I clicked on this thread.
Dog cannon would be a cool easter egg until someone called the PETA. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened nowadays.
well since no actual animals were harmed I'm guessing
Well, that sounds like a neat weapon..too bad I don't have Fallout 3 :P