The most intresting conversation I have ever heard.


Nov 12, 2006
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I was in the school toilets today, and 2 little year 7s (first year in high school, about 11 year olds) came in.
The one says, "What are you going to do, a wee or a poo?"
The other replies, "I dunno what are you doing to do?"

I openly debate with my scientist colleagues everyday whether to have a wee or a poo.

I often hedge my bets and participate in both.
You forgot the part where you said:

"Neither of you will be able to do either when im done with you"

lol @ Kyrnn ..that was so out of character that I almost spit my coke all over my monitor
Oh Stern, you and your crazy internet-related beverage mishaps.
I ruin more keyboards that way ...nothing gets out sticky :O
you should have said

"why not do the 2 things at once and shut up"
11 year olds in high school?

How many grades are in high school in the UK?
We get a shit ton more crammed into that time, though.
Then there are 2 years of non-compulsory "Sixth Form" where further exams are done. Then comes university.

There is one Physics teacher whose lessons always give me the hugest shit cramps.
We also have battleshites in the toilets.
It's a good thing you caught the conversation. Bathroom breaks are a bit like Schrödinger's cat, until someone observes the conversation, the boys existed in a superposition of pooping and peeing, doing both at once of more correct: half-peeing and half-pooping.
Are you saying they shit through their penis?

Now that's manly.
Really? I think you need more fluids in you.

yea Pitz, you really should do something about those bad habits!

if my mind serves you poo only once a week? (or was that two)
Most disturbing part for me -
The one says, "What are you going to do, a wee or a poo?"
The other replies, "I dunno what are you doing to do?"
Like... it's optional?

Also, there must be something wrong with me, because I cannot hear that last line being said without a flirtatious giggle at the end.
Some 9th graders at my school were saying, "Eeewwwww I saw your weeiiineeerrr," to each other.
It's a good thing you caught the conversation. Bathroom breaks are a bit like Schrödinger's cat, until someone observes the conversation, the boys existed in a superposition of pooping and peeing, doing both at once of more correct: half-peeing and half-pooping.

I love you because I can never come up with shit to say like this. /hilarious

O BTW, back in elementary, us kids were weinerin all over the place. Pretty normal.
I have a questiong about that stuff of the schrodinger cat

it means that if you are not watching the cat,it can be alive and dead,so if I say that the world dont exsit them the world wouldn exist? aawsome

I am fvcking elizabeth hurley
I am fvcking elizabeth hurley....
You say something like that in my school, n ya get shot.
I declare this thread A Monumental Failure.
My turn-on is monumental, especially when it turns up.
yea Pitz, you really should do something about those bad habits!

if my mind serves you poo only once a week? (or was that two)
I thought it was once a day, though I tend to do it once every two days.
oh poo, I put "doing to do" in the first post. I meant "going to do" :|