The most painful pain you have ever experienced.


Feb 18, 2007
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I literally got "hit by a bus" last week when I was biking to uni and broke several of my ribs. I still wouldn't say it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. I was just wondering what everyone considered to be their most painful experience. Emotional or physical.
Reading anything written by you.

lol that was mean.

Probably when I fell off a fence and landed on a tree stump (it was thin), landed right on my collar bone. My whole body's weight, right on that collar bone. Broke the shit out of it.
In recent experience, an entire day and night of gut-wrenching battle against my own bile attempting to leap out my throat and all over the floor.
I somehow managed to scratch my eyeball. Any light entering my eye caused the most intense pain and even when it was dark it was a dull throbbing pain. In retrospect I should have gotten a patch that would have been sweet.
I was going to write about having my eyeball scratched as well. I don't really remember the pain anymore, but at I know that at the time it was horrible. Someone threw a ball at me. One covered in those sucker pads. I was stood with friends and I recall vividly him grinning and launching the ball. And then suddenly I was staggering around screaming and holding my eye. I can't remember the moment of impact at all.

I was only 13 I think. The school wouldn't let me call my mum to take me to the hospital and I had to wait about two hours until I could go home. That's the second time they did that. The first I hurt my knee in the park when doing PE. There was blood all over and I couldn't walk, but they wouldn't send someone back to call my mum and get a car.

Jerks :arms:

edit: When I did eventually get to the hospital for my eye, they put some substance onto my eyeball that would show up under UV light. I couldn't see it, obviously, but my mum said that I have a scratch right across my iris and pupil.
Took a lance to the chest while jousting, splinter entered at the arm joint and went about four inches deep.
When I broke my wrist, but the initial break wasn't bad. It was the following morning when I was sleeping, I woke up to excruciating pain because my cast, although propped up by pillow for better circulation, ended up against the wall and my bed facing the ground. All the blood flowed away and immediately when I started moving it around I couldn't help but cry. I was in 6th grade at the time.

Another painful experience was when I was at my friends house and we decided to climb onto his roof and slide off his roof using a flexible juniper tree. Well my 2 friends went first and i went last. I basically jumped sideways and because I didn't want to fall at full speed I held onto the tree slamming down incredibly hard. I got the wind knocked out of me but it was extremely painful and here I am on the ground gasping for air and in pain and I felt like I was dying in front of my laughing friends. Surprisingly enough though they didn't tell anyone else at school the next day but my ribs hurt a lot that day.

I could list a lot more equally tramatic stories but those 2 were pretty vivid to me. I've almost died a lot of times in my life and I've been to the emergency room at least 3 times in my life.
I somehow managed to scratch my eyeball. Any light entering my eye caused the most intense pain and even when it was dark it was a dull throbbing pain. In retrospect I should have gotten a patch that would have been sweet.

A secret shame of mine is that I want to cut my eye or something just so I can wear an eyepatch indefinitely. I kind of want like chemicals spilled in my eye or something. I know that sounds childish, but how often you see a guy with an eye patch? I wouldn't even get a glass eye, I'd just wear the eyepatch 24/7.

Even though ninjas>pirates, I gotta say their eyepatches are amazing.

I just DON'T want to **** my eye up cause.. Well you only have 1 left and no depth perception would be balls. But if you wear a patch without your eye being messed up you look like a dumbass. If people come up to you and say "Why are you wearing an eyepatch, you look stupid" and you show them an empty hole in your skull they'll understand. If you show them an eye they'll think you're even more stupid.
Collapsed lung.

Stabbing pain + thinking you're going to die = terrible way to spend a Wednesday.
Broke my hip and both my legs playing cricket. All i did was go to hand over the bat and my legs snapped followed by my hip when I hit the floor. I've got a bone disorder so my bones break easier than just about everyone. So not being able to move from about the stomach/waist down without the most excruciating pain is pretty irritating.
Collapsed lung.

Stabbing pain + thinking you're going to die = terrible way to spend a Wednesday.

Spontaneous pneumothorax. A terrible way to spend Thanksgiving week.

A long needle piercing my chest and feeling my lung being ripped apart by suction, after it collapsed and started to fuse together after 24 hours. That or week later, the nurse refusing to give me pain killers, before yanking the 1" plastic tube from the side of my chest and quickly pulling on the stitches and tying the gaping hole shut.
Dropped one of those ****ers from the back of the toilet on a broken toe.
probably ear ache tbh, i've had it pretty easy.
Unbelievably searing pain for 6-12 seconds in my rectum that recurs once every few months.
Laying in a hospital gurney overnight with a double-fractured forearm because the doctor had "important matters" to attend to. ****ing bullshit.
I don't know, I've never even had so much as stitches... Probably when I got hit in the nuts by a tennis ball, though I can barely remember the event.
Oh yeah, forgot I head an ear infection that lasted 2 weeks. It made me want to die so bad. I remember having to both go to church and try and keep my ear from pussing out blood and white shit. It was embarrassing, extremely painful, and it didn't let up for one minute.
Broke my hip and both my legs playing cricket. All i did was go to hand over the bat and my legs snapped followed by my hip when I hit the floor. I've got a bone disorder so my bones break easier than just about everyone. So not being able to move from about the stomach/waist down without the most excruciating pain is pretty irritating.

That had to hurt more than anyone else's here...

Hard to pick one, as each always felt more painful after the previous injury lost it's "pain factor" due to the passage of time.

1) When I was 2, I fell out of a motor home & fractured my skull. While I don't remember it, my parents said just about everyone within a 5 mile radius could hear me screaming.

2) 4 years ago, while working for a local Mitsubishi dealership, my L4 & L5 compressed when a) a car shifted on a rack that a tech had secured incorrectly, causing it to drop several inches to hit my lower back & b) same day only hours later, I stopped a 400+ lbs service desk from tipping over & hitting a customers car. 5 mins later, I was unable to stand. Was on disability for 2 years. Unable to work.

3) When I was 7 & living in Whistler B.C. I crashed while going full speed in a tuck. Nothing was broken, but I was in a world of hurt with ice burns on both my hands & on my face. My dog at the time was excited to see me & so came running out. I knew I couldn't stop & so instead of hitting her, I simply dropped.

Well punching my wall i hit a wooden beam and broke three knuckles, which was omg the worse pain id ever felt!!! bone bulging out of my hand which was turning blue, which made me almost faint and then walking about 20 mins to the Hospital with no painkillers they rebroke my hand and put me in a cast !!

Probably my severe ear infection, two bouts of walking pneumonia, two bouts of food sickness.

Nothing incredibly serious by any stretch, but they were very painful and I felt so ill in all of them.
Walking limona?

Prob an ear infection for me too.
Removing stitches from my gums as a kid.

That was painful.
When back in primary school I was helping set up assembly and while carrying equipment up the stairs out of the hall I tripped the full force of my body slammed into the side of the staircase, right onto the side of my lower back. My mate found it hilarious, but I certainly didnt, i was in absolute agony for the rest of the day, but I had to finish the school day and couldn't even tell anyone of the ultimate pain i was in. I honestly thought my kidney had exploded at the time lol.
I'm working as flat roofer at the moment and we use boiling hot bitumen (tar) to seal the roof water tight.

Some slashed up my arm and the pain was excruciating. And its not as if you can just wipe it off either. That would just rip loads of skin off.

You have to let it cool down from just over 200c+. Untill then, it's still burning.

This is the scar;



arg, this image is a bit fuzzy. The red patch can catch light and is shiny
By a mile, breaking my leg. The mind-bending agony of a 60mph impact with a tree just cannot be put into words. The bone wasn't so much broken as shattered into pieces that looked like shards of glass.

Continued to cause me constant pain and many sleepless nights for months afterwards, due to all the metalwork they used I presume. The body doesn't like that stuff much.

having my lower spine operated on, and letting it heal from the inside out, with a gaping hole for about a month and everyday having too fill it with gauze.

good god, the pain...I remember crying so much D:
Getting a tattoo was excruciatingly painful. I also have a tendency to bump my knees into sharp objects. That always hurts like a biatch too.