The most unbelievable thing just happened to me.

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Feb 9, 2008
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I can't even believe this happened.

The back story is, I live in an apartment in which the ground floor is where mentally ill and people who need welfare live. It's not intentionally used for that, it's just cheap down there.

So I was just coming back from a family-get-together at my grandma's house, which is conveniently an apartment in the same building, and I got into the elevator. I was in a rush, so I took an elevator that was going down. It took me to the ground floor in which there is also a basketball gym. While I was coming down from my grandma's floor, I heard children screaming and running around the floor. I wondered what the hell was going on, so when the elevator opened to let an old lady who was with me out, I peeked outside and saw one of the mentally ill tenants shuffling around the lobby mumbling, wearing nothing but his underwear and covered in human excrement. I screamed and tried to close the door, but an onrush of kids came in and it re-opened again. It finally closed as he was about to reach the elevator. I made it to my apartment safely, and logged on to to tell you guys. So here I am.
Umm. Wow.

Stay in your room for at least 72 hours.
It was just a black dude you racist asshole.
You should've invited in him for tea, where're your manners?
You know what to do.

Taken from my camera phone.

Edit: Fixed for Queen Observant below me.
ironically, I'm black, the guy was white

Your thread is false advertising, that is totally believable. There are truckloads of crazies like that in low-income housing.

See what I did there? Because you're from Sweden.
God dammit, Veg, I was gonna go all Pulp Fiction on his ass! :(
I'm from Toronto.

EDIT: i probably should change the thing on the right hand corner
Behind You ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in Behind You?
Well, they might. I was only born there, but we moved to In Front Of You after a couple of years

bring a towel and or blanket with you wherever you go just in case you have to throw it on the guy or yourself
bring a towel and or blanket with you wherever you go just in case you have to throw it on the guy or yourself

lol. Quick throw your blanket!

It's never happened before. That's the unbelievable part.
This story makes me go :|
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