The name "Dark Tranquility"


Dec 22, 2003
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I was talking with a co-worker about the metal band Dark Tranquility, and he said "I don't much care for their oxymoron name". Too me, it doesn't seem to be a oxymoron, as "dark" has several different meanings. And if anything, it was intentionally contradictory. What does anyone else think?

I'm sure this is a trite topic compared to most, just felt like posting this.
wtf does oxymoron mean?

I don't really think the name matters.. It's a name, the name dosen't have anything to do with the music... Would you care if you first heard their music and after that, found out that their name was "Kitty"?
I was talking with a co-worker about the metal band Dark Tranquility, and he said "I don't much care for their oxymoron name". Too me, it doesn't seem to be a oxymoron, as "dark" has several different meanings. And if anything, it was intentionally contradictory. What does anyone else think?

I'm sure this is a trite topic compared to most, just felt like posting this.

It sounds like they INTENDED it to sound dark and evil.

Regardless of the meaning, it's a stupid, moronic, and childish name for a band. You may as well name your band "We want everybody to think we're evil when they read our name so we put this here. Hey everybody we are an evil band!"

@ Dog-- : True, the music is what counts, but here the name just oozes "we're in it for the money" so much. I mean really, it's like they sat there trying to think of a name that would sell their music better, but faild miserably.
Let's face it anyway, even though I love metal with a passion, most metal band names are complete and utter shite. The number of times I've winced an answer of 'Behemoth' or 'Old Man's Child', or whatever to someone asking what I'm listening to...
Well, dark has many different definitions such as "not clear to the understanding", etc. Don't know if that particular definition was intentional or not. Tranquillity can simply mean "peace," it doesn't necessarily have to do with light, beauty. So, I really don't consider the name stupid at all, but I suppose they left it open to interpretation. If you take it literally, it's not a contradiction.
Actually, they are called "Dark Tranquillity", with two l's. Just thought I'd point that out.

Their name is stupid, but you know what? Who cares? They produce good music and I really don't give two shits what they call themselves so long as it isn't completely idiotic.

This was before Gothenburg metal was considered to be "mainstream" and "pussy" and whatnot by the "true" fans. Sure, they were in it for the money, but it's not like they created the name just to lure in a bunch of dumb kids. Granted, the majority is shit music (Arch Enemy, I'm looking at you), but that's beside the point. I'd much sooner point the "target market" finger at bands like Staind and Trapt.

Anyway, most band names are stupid. The Beatles? Mastodon? Yes? 50 Cent (not a band, I know; piss off)? What do those even mean? Does it really matter what they mean? Nobody listens to music because of a band's name... or at least anyone that matters.

Regarding the oxymoronic state of the name "Dark Tranquillity", it's not one. I suppose the connotations of the words are contradictory (with "tranquility" evoking thoughts of light, beauty, peace and "dark" calling images of misery and whatnot), but it is possible to find a beauty, a solace in darkness, a state of pleasantness, so I don't see what the problem is. If anything, the prose is enhanced by the contradictory connotations.

I'm not trying to bash their music, hell, I have no right to do that (as i've never heard any of their stuff before), i'm just commenting on the name, which is what this thread is about.

BTW, calm down :naughty: