The new Model/s - taller?


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
No don't worry - this isn't a 'what do you think of the new model?' thread.

I have just played on the aim_glockon map for the first time with the new model. You can now get spawnkills behind certain walls, that previously, you could not. I'm pretty sure the map hasn't changed or been updated.

This leads me to believe that the models have been made slightly taller - anyone else agree with me? Please forgive me if I am covering something that has already been mentioned.
One of my clanmates mentioned this. Maybe it's a bug, or maybe they did it to make the hostages seem shorter... ???
Yes they have made the players taller. In Aztec you can now see peoples heads above the boxes either end of the bridge, and you can climb on top of boxes you couldn't get up before without boosting.

And the hostages look like midgets now they made us taller. :p
My game is buggy. I go from tall to normal to very short. Its starting to get really annoying.
Milkman said:
My game is buggy. I go from tall to normal to very short. Its starting to get really annoying.


Midget! :p
When I crouch now I feel like I'm lying on the ground. The difference between standing and crouching is too big...
This has to be the worst update yet, the models are taller. but hasnt anyone noticed that the hitboxes or something have been changed.....its gone to the dogs to be honest. They also seem to have slowed the game down in my opinion, Valve need to get their fingers outta there asses and sort out this piss update.
I've also noticed the run-speed seems to have been reduced. Running with a scout is like running with an awp.
In office you have no cover behind archives anymore.. WTF is that supposed to mean?
It was a retarded thing todo.

All they needed todo is resize the hostage model :doze:
Im starting to believe they didnt change any heights, but just moved the POV up to the head, so now we can see over most things (boxes, crates, etc)
I have the feeling that my eyes are in my forehead...(above the usual eyesockets)
well what ever they did it seems to feel very wierd i booted css up sunday and i just felt that something was wrong
THE MODELS ARE NOT TALLER They raised the camera view point from the neck to the eyes. Having the viewpoint in the neck worked in 1.6, but since Source is more realistic, it was akward, so they raised it to the eyes.
ZEROarmy said:
THE MODELS ARE NOT TALLER They raised the camera view point from the neck to the eyes. Having the viewpoint in the neck worked in 1.6, but since Source is more realistic, it was akward, so they raised it to the eyes.

If that's the case (which I am perfectly willing to accept), it makes a helluva difference to general gameplay. Although I haven't played much recently to notice how much of a difference this makes, people have already stated how you can no longer take cover in certain places:

In office you have no cover behind archives anymore

In Aztec you can now see peoples heads above the boxes either end of the bridge, and you can climb on top of boxes you couldn't get up before without boosting.

I'm sure this will have far-reaching effects on how particular maps are played. I just hope it doesn't ruin maps by taking away what used to be valuable cover. :eek:
Aztec has become more one sided in favour of the CT's. Its terrible they can awp most T's coming across the bridge long before a T see's a CT. At least the CT's have 2 boxes to hide their view/position, valve have messed this up totally.
Strangely the slowness of the game and the new eye position has made me play really, really good.
I see no difference other than that the hostage models are finally the rigth height instead of them being giants.
yeah but their stupid those in cz are smart give me sthose back and ill be happy