The next enemy



Ok i have a this idea, I think the next enemy is the Gnomes ie Big bad Zombies But more bigger and bader 1s and will with the nolge that they got from there victims in black mesa or durring the portal storms ( The zombies in Hl2 r made by combine and cant evolve in 2 Gnomes or the headcrabs cant evolve into those big things. The othere to types of headcrabs r combine created) These Gnomes would have the nolge and will be able 2 make teloporters, nukes and guns for there selfs. With there strength, speed and brains humens and combine will come close to utter distruction and only 1 or 2 men can save them all the Freeman or/and Shepard from this old enemy
I think the next enemy is the Gnomes..

These guys will definitly be quite the adversary.

Seriously, I think the word you're looking for, THE MINT, is GONOME.

I think most people will simply flame you for even TRYING to bring in Opposing Force evidence into the rest of the Half-Life saga.

Although you bring up a valid point... why don't the Ravenholm Zombies evolve into Gonomes?

You'll find that most people around here (myself included) do not accept Opposing Force or Blue Shift to be true Half-Life story, as it was Gearbox who developed it, not Valve. And I think the fact that there are no Gonome's in Ravenholm simply pushes this point even further.

Although your theory may work as well.... Maybe the Combine is actually afraid of Gonomes and so keeps their bred headcrabs from allowing their hosts to go that far? Maybe the zombies die either of hunger or Father Grigori, before they get a chance to evolve that far.

At any rate, I don't think that Gonomes are as smart as you make them out to be. They seemed very beastlike in Op4, growling like tigers, madly running at you... I doubt that they have the ability for abstract thought... though I agree that it would be cool if they did. Imagine... a whole society of headcrabs, Gonarchs, zombies, Gonomes... ouch. That's scary.
Ah, yes, a Gnome expansion pack.

What'll we see next? Half-Life 3 and the Big Bad Wolf? :(
Wow, pai-ei. YOu couldn't of picked a better picture. Hats off.
Originally posted by CREMATOR666
How about Half-Life 2 : Hot Date expansion pack?

*Slaps EA'S grubby hands off the half life franchise. :p
*mourns for EA already getting their grubby hands over the C&C francise*

but ontopic, no gearbox stuff is going into valve stuff
someone in valve said that,
"we will not incorperate anything that geabox has done into the half life storyline"
Fools. Accepting other people's hard work so you can pass it of as your own is the first rule of design - in anything!

CREMATOR666 said:
How about Half-Life 2 : Hot Date expansion pack? :p
Yes, and that will soon be followed by Half-Life 2: Unleashed. :(
Not to mention Half-life 2: House Party. Wouldn't that be fun, having Breen over for dinner... Actually, not it would not be fun.
Originally posted byBlakeb155
Wouldn't that be fun, having Breen over for dinner... Actually, not it would not be fun.

Well aside from boring every house guest with his rants on how mankind can evolve, i am pretty sure i could make an evening about it...providing you had Livin it up with the Fireworks and you had Breen enclosed by fences. :devil:
If there's ever a Hot Date expansion pack (which there's a 99.9% chance that there wont be any) then.......Alyx, I'm coming!!!!!! :D
Half-Life 2: House Party

Gordon decides to invite all his friends over for dinner. Here are the highlites:
"It is important to thank our Benefactors for presenting us with such wonderful food today. I urge all of mankind to join our Benefactors, and we shall be taken toward the stars. This, that small minds call the Combine will..."
"I do appologise for what must appear an........ undercooked roast, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of...."
"Oh fiddlesticks! Lamarr? Lammar! Blast that! Where did she get to!?" *looks towards oven* :O
*throws food across the room* "And if you see Gordon! Tell him I said f*** you"
"Careful, brother. Your cooking dissapoints lord Jesus. May the light of lights illuminate your path!"
"This steerable launcher, is our best bet for taking down Dr. Freeman. I hate his cooking so much, that I almost choked on my own tea. I shall go immdadietly back to my basement, and warn Lighthouse Point."
Gordon's not much of a cook, is he. Guess his social meter will go down.
Now, will someone be kind enough to present us with the highlites from Half-Life 2: Hot Date. :naughty:
HL : HD Highlite #1 : Gordon's love confession

............ (1 crowbar swing) (2 pistols shots) (jump 1 time) (crouch for 10 seconds) ..........
Maybe there are no Gonomes in Ravenholm because everyone is a Zombie, not being Cannibals they do not have enough food to bulk up and undergo metamorphosis into the Gonome stage. Also if Valve are not using Gearbox material and that Gearbox material is not part of the storyline how do you explain Barney?
Also I'm pretty sure it has been said Opposing Force and Blue Shift are canon but they are not part of the main story, so it is not important if they do not re-appear.

To be honest there are to many questions and not enough answers. I want to know one way or the other.
OK i think its went off the top a bit

Wit about we get some one from ea to make a stupid add idea like HL2: The Sims in City 17 were u go about doing stuff.
The Sims: City 17
Buy Menu: Not much
Build Menu: Old apartments
And only blue jumpsuits!
hi guys i played all through half life 1 an hoping to get half life 2 soon but i dunnot remember any genomes or wateva u were talkin about anyone wanna inlighten me?
SsmitzZ said:
hi guys i played all through half life 1 an hoping to get half life 2 soon but i dunnot remember any genomes or wateva u were talkin about anyone wanna inlighten me?
You mean the Gonomes? They were in Opposing Force, not Half-Life.