the next epic movie is...

Looks awesome. I love Jack Black AND Mos Def.
The premise is pretty ridiculous, but it looks funny none the less.

Mos Deaf is a great actor BTW..i hope he is more highly recognized in near future.
^ Lol.

Looks fun. Good chance the plot will degenerate into something far less than it could be, but the director gives it promise.
Michel Gondry ftw. He did a brilliant job with Science of Sleep and Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind.
Yeah, theres really a hell of a lot of good people involved with this.
Seeing as Science of Sleep and Eternal Sunshine were great this should rock too >_> Hopefully.
From the director of Eternal Sunshine? Yeah, it's guaranteed to be golden.
I'm seeein it.

looks genuinely funny

am i the only one that got the "youtube Humor" feeling?
Looks better than I thought...the way I had understood it was they were redoing the movies as a prank...