The next mass cult


Jul 30, 2003
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If you noticed, in the begignig of the decade the hip-hop and gansta' rap was popular, now it is rap. In the end of the eighties it was the rock(if I am correct). What do you think that the next massive cult will be?

In recent time somehow I became interested with the socium.:E Donno why.
If all the futuristic movies and stuff know anything, then it's techno/trance music!

Ugh... :x
Letters said:
If all the futuristic movies and stuff know anything, then it's techno/trance music!

Ugh... :x

Gah, that would suck.

But I wouldn't be too worried yet, besides that Juno Reactor track in Once Upon a Time in Mexico I haven't seen trance becoming "popular" yet.
while i object to the word 'cult' being applied to a large, diverse group of people who enjoy the same music or art, i think hip-hop will continue to have a huge following as the years go on. the culture of it is certainly not going anywhere and is only going to expand. and gangsta rap and "regular" rap are still hip-hop...just like ska and punk are still rock & roll...

as far as the next big thing goes, i say it's computer gaming. it'll be bigger than anything ever before. gaming is continuing to explode and it's becoming more mainstream every year. i say within 5-10 years, gaming will be bigger than all other entertainment industries combined....for almost all ages. gaming already outgrosses the movie industry, and even toy sales are dropping...isn't FAO Schwarz going into bankruptcy? i bet my kids' entertainment other than playing sports will be mostly virtual.
Maskirovka said:
i object to the word 'cult' being applied to a large, diverse group of people who enjoy the same music or art.

Yes, I think the meaning of "cult" is actually the opposite. But he probably meant something that is cult now and will become mainstream in the future.
the computers
someting whit computers
thats what I say
pacman shall return!!!

/me runs away screaming "All your bases are belong to pacman!"
LoneDeranger said:
Yes, I think the meaning of "cult" is actually the opposite. But he probably meant something that is cult now and will become mainstream in the future.
Maybe subculture would be a better definitoin?
Techno and hip-hop will probably be what will dominate, however they will have evolved into something that isn't really recognizable from what they are today.

Think of the music from UT2K3. I really can't think of anything to call it other than techno music, but then again it sounds different from the normal stuff you hear called techno.
I always referred to the music in Unreal Tournament as Dance Industrial.

But there's very little point in trying to predict what the next big thing will be, because the next big thing always appears out of no where. But hey, no one's actually taking this seriously, so I say "The Darkness". They've already taken over Europe within the last six months, so by the end of the year they'll undoubtedly have control over most of the planet. It might seem a bit specific, but hey, it's happened to bands many a time in the past. Consequently, the rock music scene will suddenly become a lot more positive in terms of attitude. And then the scene will become saturated. And then some whiney teenager with a guitar starts to scream a bit, and the cycle repeats itself.
Well in 2020 a new type of music will be invented in the UK, sparked mostly by pending ice age caused by global warming. There will also be a big influence from the billions of refugees escaping their sunken countries. However, most people will not live to see this because of the huge nuclear war that will follow a meterorite strike that destroys a large part of the US. Of course after this grey goo will consume the world, after the first nanobots are implemented in contact lense HUDS and holodecks....Many people will commit suicide as 2020 Q4 was the revised release date for halflife2.
rofl Farrow le Sparrow :p

My hope would be that more they might be giants style music would become opular, but I don't think most people really care about thermostats or metal detectors.
I hope most people stay away from the techno/trance/hardcore style. I dont want it to be mainsteam as hip hop or other crap styles. Damn kids.

Most people dont know what techno is.... scooter is NOT techno... thats 13 year old dance music.
I hope its not something as completely self destructive as hip hop and that kinda thing. I mean seriously, who has really profited from the gansta rap culture? A couple of megastars, record companies and magazines. You dont get any kind of beneficial life style out of the music either.
MEtal! In all of it's forms! Speed, thrash, neo-classical, death, black...ALL!! **** the hip-hop bubba boppy shit. Metal is the only music. ---Britney is hot though.

Children of Bodom rules!
And Black Sabbath rules.
And Led Zeppelin does actually also rule.
If it were metal, id finally be cool :D. I think rock is coming back in now hopefully it will be in but it will probably go back to pop again