The next Street Fighter?! I hope


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score

These guys are now the two best Street Fighter players I have ever seen. [EDIT] Actually, it's more likely he is test running the AI for the two fighters (computer controlled). The guy playing Evil Ryu is merciless.

I am so going to own all of the noobs with my arcade stick when this game comes out.

It's being run on Windows XP! You can see the windows bar on some of his other videos. I almost want to say it could be a NeoGeo ROM hack emulated on Windows XP, but the special effects are so completely professional, these guys might be Capcom employees showing off or something. I know Capcom is going to keep working on SFII projects, but I wish they would hurry the **** up, oh, and stop making darkstalker games, and X Men games - nobody cares.


OK, I think I have found the answer.

Yes it is real and you too can make your own. It's called mugen. Look it up and find whatever characters you want like me.
This is an UPADATED version of my mugen set: The Biggest and Best Mugen Open FIghting Jam Tournament Invitational, Char Roster set.. All of the strongest fighters in all the universe and realms who were hand picked to participate and invited have entered and the roster is finally completed and the strongest fighters from all the universe and realms are ready to compete.. who will win? The Legendary sayan or Ogre, those two are the strongest around.. but sephiroth is craazy too.. All my mugen characters..taking request matches for the BEST OPEN FIGHTING JAM TOURNAMENT invitational around, I was up till six am putting it together but it was well worth the wait just kick back and enjoy this beotch with meh now; finally.. It all pays off in teh end.. Jea! ~_- Holla at meh, -hypn0 ... (more incredible matches from the tournament coming soon)

This video, the guy has about 400 of the best fighters from the fighting game universe. Mortal Kombat, SNK, Street Fighter, all types of games mixed in there.

The video takes a while. Some of the characters are ****ing incredible mods, like Evil Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Dan, and God Ryu/Ken/Akum/Dan, and other variations of these guys.


But some copyright holders, such as Capcom are said to understand that it is just a fanart work and don't care about it.

:D Capcom is the best, I'm sure I've said it before.
Odd they should say fanART when all the sprites are ripped from their games :P

MUGEN ftw, though.
I know Capcom is going to keep working on SFII projects, but I wish they would hurry the **** up, oh, and stop making darkstalker games, and X Men games - nobody cares.
VirusType2 said:
I wish they would hurry the **** up, oh, and stop making darkstalker games, and X Men games - nobody cares.
VirusType2 said:
stop making darkstalker games, and X Men games - nobody cares.
VirusType2 said:
stop making darkstalker games
VirusType2 said:
For this...for die in your sleep. And since this is a thread on Mugen, I'm going to run a simulation of Morrigan against Setsuna from Last Blade, and watch her decimate him over, and over, and over, and over again. Curse you, Virus, you're my mortal enemy now! Why must it be this way when we both love Capcom fighters?!

Anyway...yeah, Mugen's one of the most awesome things. I picked up a PSX-to-USB adapter for it so I can use an arcade stick with it (now I just need to find a compatible arcade stick since my Pelican championship hardwood won't work with it, accursed Pelican). Hundreds of characters, hundreds of variations on characters...your own backgrounds, your own music, a lot of talented people in the community doing work (although some sites are shutting down recently because of the lack of respect going on for said creators). It's a really fun game to get into.

But uh, just to let you know...last I heard Capcom's not going to do anymore SF. Capcom USA owns the rights to Street Fighter now too, if I'm not mistaken. They're probably just gonna sit on the license, making "Street Fighter Ultimate Collection #25, now with obscure SFs and rehashes that everyone has a ton of." And really they haven't put out an actual new 2D fighter in so long...I don't know why you're complaining about X-men games and Darkstalkers games. For one, the last thing that was made for Darkstalkers was the PS2 collection (probably never coming out here), and Chaos Tower for PSP. If anything we need MORE Darkstalkers games...Darkstalkers should be the pride of Capcom, then followed by SF.
Hook me up some of those characers. I have nothing. I have only Kung Fu Man. ;(

I haven't tried to figure out how to import anything yet. I could probably rip every arcade fighting game ever made - samuri shodown, sfII, SNK, blah blah. After I figure out how.

Darkside said:
Ask me about headcrab mating rituals!
Oh, and Darkside, what can you tell me about headcrab mating rituals?

First I get the highfive, (which doesn't yet have a shortcut btw - hi5? I proclaim hi5 or highV shall be the new high five - you definitely don't want HiV, :laugh:) for mentioning Comix Zone, now you wish I would die in my sleep. Thats awfully nice of you. :cheese:

If they kept making SFIII games, I wouldn't care if they made Darkstalker 3, or something, but I felt like they abandoned the original fans that got them where they were in the first place. And acording to you, they have. I can't say I really blame them, the arcades are dead. However, I know if they make a new version for the consoles, people will buy it, so I don't see why they would abandon their biggest and best non-Resident Evil asset.

I mean, I don't mind if they use all of the same old characters, there are some I have barely used, like Birdie, and dozens of others, but they need to improve the special moves, like in MUGEN, with improved special effects and some new moves for the characters, like Ryu's fireball hold, and some kind of nuke fireball, and his lighting spin kick. That shit is awesome. They wouldn't even have to draw new artwork, just improve the combos give them each 2 new moves, and add 2007 special effects.

By the way, they had two versions of Dark Stalker 2 in the arcades. (oops, sorry that was only in Japan, and they were called Vampire Savior 2 : Darkstalkers Revenge and Vampire Savior 2 : Lord of the Vampire)

I picked up a PSX-to-USB adapter for it so I can use an arcade stick with it (now I just need to find a compatible arcade stick since my Pelican championship hardwood won't work with it, accursed Pelican). Hundreds of characters, hundreds of variations on characters...your own backgrounds, your own music, a lot of talented people in the community doing work (although some sites are shutting down recently because of the lack of respect going on for said creators). It's a really fun game to get into.
PSX? I have a Pelican 'Real Arcade Stick' "Tournament Ready" that has all 3 - PS2, Xbox, Gamecube connectors. I opened it up and put a 10lb weight in the bottom of it to hold it the **** down. I'm going to hack one of the controller outputs and solder the pins of a PS/2 or USB connector to use it on my PC. I'll have to do some research on the pin numbers of both systems first though. I saw an adapter for $4 + $10 shipping, so I might just get that, rather then hack my cords.
Too bad Mugen is dead...
Mugen is NOT dead. Far from it. Winmugen's still going pretty strong. We're seeing a lot of original characters, and some real good converts that haven't been made before (finally, just last week I got a beta for an Oro, and a Yang's being made after years). If you think Mugen's dead you're obviously looking in the wrong places. Aside from a few people who've left the community, there are still a lot of original creators making new things, and some new names too.

Oh, and Darkside, what can you tell me about headcrab mating rituals?
It involves a lot of shrieking and interpretive dance.

VirusType2 said:
First I get the highfive, (which doesn't yet have a shortcut btw - hi5? I proclaim hi5 or highV shall be the new high five - you definitely don't want HiV, :laugh:) for mentioning Comix Zone, now you wish I would die in my sleep. Thats awfully nice of you. :cheese:

If they kept making SFIII games, I wouldn't care if they made Darkstalker 3, or something, but I felt like they abandoned the original fans that got them where they were in the first place. And acording to you, they have. I can't say I really blame them, the arcades are dead. However, I know if they make a new version for the consoles, people will buy it, so I don't see why they would abandon their biggest and best non-Resident Evil asset.

By the way, they had two versions of Dark Stalker 2 in the arcades. (oops, sorry that was only in Japan, and they were called Vampire Savior 2 : Darkstalkers Revenge and Vampire Savior 2 : Lord of the Vampire)
I am very fickle with my love and hate. :p

Honestly I don't know what Capcom was thinking. Yoshiki Okamoto, creator of Street Fighter 2, left Capcom awhile back because he didn't like the direction they were taking. So after he left, no more 2D fighting games. He made his own company though so with any luck we'll at least see 2D fighters out of him, but they won't be Street Fighter.
Like I said, Capcom's just going to sit on the property. They used to love making 2D fighters, but now...they don't care. I can't really blame them with the popularity of fighting games in the state it's in right now; SF3 only just became popular, but only among the hardcore fans; it wasn't a lucrative game. Cost them more to make then they got back, really. And other properties, like Darkstalkers for example, never picked up in America. Really the only popular games they've had "recently" were the MvC and CvS series. All the other Street Fighters did well though and that's why they keep releasing eight million collections of them for home consoles.

BTW, Vampire Savior was Darkstalker's 3. In Japan, DS2 was called Vampire Hunter: Darkstalker's Revenge. There were two versions, though. That game was what really got me into 2D fighters. I mean, I'd played the Street Fighter series ever since SF1, and I liked to stop off at the local liquor store after school where they had an SF2 machine, but it wasn't until I played an import Vampire Hunter one night at this casino arcade in Reno that a 2D fighter absolutely blew my mind. I really thought I was into Street Fighter 2 back in the day, but then I played that and I was just like...if I had been drinking something, I would've been like "pffffft!" D: The game's an absolute masterpiece to me.

I mentioned in another thread about "Your top ten favorite games" that I just picked up an import Vampire Hunter for Saturn. I don't even own a Saturn anymore, but I just had to have it. :laugh: I've got the thing displayed in my living room. I bought it at a convention, and when I saw it at this guy's booth I practically threw all the money in my pocket at him (even though the game only turned out to be $10, score!).
VirusType2 said:
PSX? I have a Pelican 'Real Arcade Stick' "Tournament Ready" that has all 3 - PS2, Xbox, Gamecube connectors. I opened it up and put a 10lb weight in the bottom of it to hold it the **** down. I'm going to hack one of the controller outputs and solder the pins of a PS/2 or USB connector to use it on my PC. I'll have to do some research on the pin numbers of both systems first though. I saw an adapter for $4 + $10 shipping, so I might just get that, rather then hack my cords.
PSX = Playstation. You can pick up one of these things from Radio Shack for $11. It sounds like you've got the multi-console version of what I have; get an X-Box to USB converter and it'll work just fine. For some reason the PS2-only version of that controller does NOT like to run off a computer's power supply.
Mugen is NOT dead. Far from it. Winmugen's still going pretty strong. We're seeing a lot of original characters, and some real good converts that haven't been made before (finally, just last week I got a beta for an Oro, and a Yang's being made after years). If you think Mugen's dead you're obviously looking in the wrong places. Aside from a few people who've left the community, there are still a lot of original creators making new things, and some new names too.

The people that made MUGEN dissapeared, to me, MUGEN is dead. I bet my favorite character creators are gone aswell. :(
Elecbyte never really mattered in the big scheme of things. If you consider mugen to be dead, then...I dunno, I never cared about Elecbyte or what they were up to. The only thing they did was release the engine, and everyone else took it over from there. On creators, drop some names; I'll see if they're still there, or at least if their creations are still being hosted somewhere (not at warehouses though). You'd be really surprised.
I'd managed to completely miss Mugen for all these years. It looks awesome :)
I really need to step back into the Mugen scene to fulfill my lust for 2D violence :p

Any resource recommendations? MugenWarfront appears to have died on me :| is the place I stop by the most. Their site is closed but the forums are still up; check the Mugen Database and the Character Releases sections. Their database isn't as good as some, though. Here's a list of other sites to check out that're still in operation, and are updated: - Hosts a lot of characters. Not a warehouse. - Probably THE best database out there - Mugen Brazil. Site's in Portugese, but the updates are easy enough to read.
Aah, streetmugen! Used to be my second port of call: many thanks for reminding me of its existence :D

Always used to be foiled by the Japanese geocities sites and their bandwidth limits, mind :p
Yeah. "What do you mean, download is temporarily unavailable?" :frown:

You'll still have to go around to a lot of Japanese sites and try to navigate your way through them to get to the characters, though. There's no avoiding that, unfortunately. :(
I'm honestly afraid to start playing around with Mugen for fear that the next 3 years of my life will be spent in an orgy of nostalgia and the creation of the most awesome 2d fighter there has ever been.
Well, I was scared of that... until I realised I had no coding skill whatsoever ;)