The next World War

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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I know it's a terrible thing to discuss, but let's face it, sooner or later the third World War will brake out. If you are looking at the current political situation, where is most likely that WWIII will brake out?
Well we [the US] went round 2 with Iraq. I think its time for a rematch in Korea.
I don't know where, but I'm sure that US will have some part in it.
There will be no WW3 as we like to think of it. The world is beggining to get so globalized that assymetric warfare (read : terrorism) will become the last but never-ending war for mankind.
I don't know about WW3 but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. Sticks and stones my friends :E

Was it Einstein who said that?
I think every war is coming closer to being a world war. Not in the sense of its scale or ferocity (those are actually getting smaller and smaller), but rather that more and more troops are being sent from farther and farther away. For instance, a good chunk of the world has a part to play in the Iraq war in one way or another.
Edit: Yes I believe that was Einstein.
Alec_85 said:
I don't know about WW3 but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. Sticks and stones my friends :E

Was it Einstein who said that?

It was. I had that on my sig for a long time. But I prefer my new one. :E
Convential warfare, as it is called, is dead.
The_Monkey said:
It was. I had that on my sig for a long time. But I prefer my new one. :E
Must've seen it and stored it in my subconscience then.
With the Chinese going democratic and holding elections,. and the threat of nuclear holocaust, I dont really see any country powerfull and crazy enough to attempt global domination (and I dont think anything else could cause another 'world war')..

.. except, maybe,. us,.

Nop, nop.

Oil will be the new cause.
China is the Next "evil" nation, it's becoming really powerfull latly,if you've noticed, copper is really expensive now, as China baugt it all.
china is eating the worls resources and they won't stop there.
jep you got it!
ahh dont worry you got the anti-missile thingie now, no harm will be done to you!

what bothers me is that more than 50% of your national income (thats about 500 billion dollars, i think)goes to the military, what the hell are you doing with all that money!?
50% ??

where did you get that info from ?

the USA used about 5% of its GDP and spends more on military than every other nation in the world combined
I dont think there will be anouther world war. Allthough if there is'nt the game companys that make games about world war 1 and 2 will have... gasp.. think for themselves! dear god.

The worlds not stupid enough to get into anouther war of that size, sure there will be wars, but not as big to class as a "world war" at least thats what I think.
f|uke said:
With the Chinese going democratic and holding elections,. and the threat of nuclear holocaust, I dont really see any country powerfull and crazy enough to attempt global domination (and I dont think anything else could cause another 'world war')..

.. except, maybe,. us,.


China holding elections? What are you talking about?
The_Monkey said:
China holding elections? What are you talking about?
Christ, I dont even know. I thought I read something about big political reforms coming in China a few months ago. I cant find anything on a google search now.

Sometimes I think my brain is broken.
f|uke said:
Christ, I dont even know. I thought I read something about big political reforms coming in China a few months ago. I cant find anything on a google search now.

Sometimes I think my brain is broken.

Well, you are right about them being more democratic than before. They are dropping the one-child programm, the allow private markening, they let people travel abroad much more than before, ect.
If/when there is a WWIII I hope it will involve all of humanity united against a common threat. A non human threat.

Unfortunately I don't think that will be the case.
moppe said:
I don't know where, but I'm sure that US will have some part in it.

Well...yeah. I would have thought the clue was in the World War :P

Worl war 3 will only happen in the conventional way, if something happens to end our way of life and stop globalisation. What I'm saying is, that something would have to knock us back a couple of hundred years.
The Mullinator said:
If/when there is a WWIII I hope it will involve all of humanity united against a common threat. A non human threat.

Unfortunately I don't think that will be the case.

Maybe all the cats in the world will finaly figer out how to open the catflap lock and go mad with power.

It could happan!
I want aliens to make their presence known to all, then humanity gets to be recruited to fight in wars for the alien race.
the USA used about 5% of its GDP and spends more on military than every other nation in the world combined

I'm not sure about this, but I highly doubt that. How about China and NK? Israel too. I'd like to see a source to back this up.

PS my money is on China and some members of the EU vs. the US and GB along with some other allies. In about 15-25 years of course. You can see it beginning already.
I just checked the exact numbers and was quite suprised. The US spends 343.2 compared to the world's total of 354.5.

But I did some other checking to look into the numbers. Look at this quote

The government spends 33.9% of the nation's GDP on military (Compared to 3.2% for the U.S. and 1.4% spent by neighboring South Korea), and has recruited 1.2 million of the healthiest young men into the army. This focus on military spending is unheard of anywhere else in the world, and has severely depressed the North's economy for decades.

Look at that difference. (your favorite source)

China... Its 2.5 million strong force makes it the largest army, in terms of sheer numbers of troops, in the world.

Note: The actual amount of PRC military spending remains highly controversial. First of all, the military may get resources which are not listed in the official budget. Second, it is difficult to get agreement on the conversion factor used to convert military expenditures to dollars.
Fit for military service- males age 15-49: 206,000,000 *holy shit!* (2003 est.)'s-Liberation-Army.htm
206 million. hope we dont run out of bullets.
Yeah, good lord. I looked the US up and we were at 75 million available or something like that.
The_Monkey said:
Well, you are right about them being more democratic than before. They are dropping the one-child programm, the allow private markening, they let people travel abroad much more than before, ect.
damnit, they're dropping the one child program? thats so stupid of them.
I think the WWIII will be against the terrorism or something like that

who knows
World war 3 has already started, global capitalist society is the war that Corporation's and modern government's are fighting for, fighting for energy resources to support this, gets them also leading to isolated oil wars.

A global government may likely form, the UN is certainly looking in that direction.

A big brother world, and the US G are making all the moves toward's it, using propaganda to make us all reliant on the Elitest stay at the top of global society, attacking basic emotional responses, such as fear to cower us into thinking we are safer with large company's and corporation.

We are about as in control of our lives as a worm would be if it was placed in a Jar, totally dependant on alot of external sources to keep us alive.

Yes it may seem democratic, but it's far from democracey as it's written on paper, and it's moving further away as more people strive to selfishly leech off of the masses to fill their wallet's in such an imbalanced and totally selfless way.

What for..? to tighten their grasp on the masses to make more profit, and supply wealth to their foundations and families.

Are they power mad..? quite possibly yes,

How far would they go to get what they want..? out of sight out of mind.

Whats up with that..?.. bastards! sickening, but they most likely believe what they are doing is for the good of humanity..? Democracey :x ?
One can't rule out another world war, but right now I do not believe the situation is ripe. That said, there is a potential powder keg in the middle east. Time will tell whether Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden are today's Franz Ferdinand.
seinfeldrules said:
Yeah, good lord. I looked the US up and we were at 75 million available or something like that.

Although China does have a huge standing army, it really isn't comparable to the military might that the US can command.

If there are 200 million people with machine guns then smart bombs, missiles, stealth bombers and the like will still wipe them out.

Plus in terms of military spending the US probably spends more on it's 75 million soldiers than China spends on it's 200 million. You only have to look at the relative cost of living in both countries for that comparison.

Back to the main topic, I think one of the biggest flashpoints in terms of major conflicts could still be the India/Pakistan conflict. Even though they are having progressive talks now, they could still break down. And those are two nuclear-armed nations, folks.
WWI started with just one bullet when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian activist.

so you never know
it already is world war 3, or at least the very opening of it. Just read the phrase, Global War on Terror.
johnshafft said:
WWI started with just one bullet when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian activist.

so you never know

Well, the relevant socio-political pressures have to be there in the first place, or such an event will not trigger anything.

There is even a convincing case that WWI would have happened even without the Archduke's assassination.
WW3 is extremely possible. The only thing needed to set it off would be if the US were somehow crippled militarily.
The power vacuum left by a US loss would cause huge conflicts between everyone who's left.
Mechagodzilla said:
WW3 is extremely possible. The only thing needed to set it off would be if the US were somehow crippled militarily.
The power vacuum left by a US loss would cause huge conflicts between everyone who's left.

but that would be separate conflicts around the World.
CyberSh33p said:
damnit, they're dropping the one child program? thats so stupid of them.

Not really, if they cintinue to do it the will soon all be a bunch of 80+.
Sprafa said:
but that would be separate conflicts around the World.

War around the entire world? Yeah, I'd call that a world war. :P

Also, I'd bet that enough alliances would result from the intensifying conflict that there would be three or so seperate factions fighting.

The UN, The Caliphante and the neutral countries. (As a not-so far fetched example.)