The Nightwatchman


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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I read about The Nightwatchman (Tom Morello - Ex Rage Against the Machine guitarist) in Socialist Review the other week and found some of his stuff on Youtube, loved it and just ordered his album.

He's a socialist politcal activist and his songs are charged with political anger, it's brilliant.


Eh. Tom Morella - electric guitar + vocals = not interested, tbh.

Good to see he's still doing his thing, though. And lol @ his mum.
Tom Morello in the interviews regarding RATM's re-formation are damned funny. ''the USA has gone bad because we broke up, now we've reformed we're going to fight it, lol''

Makes good music, though, but he doesn't half make me laugh.
Yeah he's a brilliant guy, his lyrics are excellant too.
Definitely prefer him in RATM. I feel this whole 'Nightwatchman' persona he has going is just him trying to recreate a stale version of Bob Dylan.
Perhaps you have to be a socialist to like him.