The Obama Survival Guide, or what to do if your guy lost


May 5, 2004
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The nation awakens today to a grim day. But America has endured worse. Here's 12 ways I recommend that conservatives and Republicans prepare to face the next four years under President Obama (yeah, get used to that one)

(3) Don't Question The Verdict: Was there voter fraud in yesterday's election? Were there other shenanigans both legal and illegal? I'm sure there were, and others who follow those stories will no doubt be expanding on them in the weeks to come.

(4) Don't Blame The Voters: Yes, it's tempting to go off into the place where Democrats were fuming about "Jesusland" four years ago. And yes, Obama got a lot of votes for bad reasons or from vacuous people. Hey, there are a lot of stupid people in the world, and in America, and a fair number of them vote

ya and not enough of them voted for your guy SUCKER!

8) Watch Your Budget: We're all going to have to prepare for tougher economic times, plus the burden of Obama's tax hikes. Don't overextend your own finances.

omg Obama the Tax Tyrant

(10) Buy More Life Insurance: Well, at least if, like me, you live or work in a city that's a top terrorist target, and have roots too deep to leave. Our risk tolerance will have to go up.

(11) Pray: Well, this one speaks for itself. Pray especially for the unborn.

damn they really do think Obama will consort with terrorists and slaughter the unborn ..I'd really prefer not to overgeneralise but republicans/conservatives are absolutely retarded

I'm surprised #1 wasnt "BUY MORE GUNS"
Anything is possible in America, including this level of sadness being true.

But lets not fret people, Obama won, which proved most of America is salvagable, let the better times roll!.
Abortion is the most bullshit presidential issue. The republican is always "pro-life!" and promises nothing, and if they're elected, does nothing.
This had better be satire.