The Off-Topic Forum is 3 Years Old...

3 years of horrible, horrible things.

Here, here! Three cheers for the things that shoudn't be!
I've been here a couple of months over a year. It has been great.
Hey oldtimers!
Wow three years is a long time.
I can't imagine being on a forum for this long ever again. It's a good community.

Happy birthday for tomorrow!
I was 13 when I joined. D:

I spelt unintentional as "Unintencial".
I thought it was more than 3 years ..has it only been 3 years? ..this is my 2nd year anniversary ..seems longer
I was 14 in December 2003, when I first stumbled upon this site after reading an article about Half-Life 2 in Surge magazine; the main page was nonexistent, just a white background with default HTML text saying "Main site coming soon, for now go to the forums" and a link to these forums.

29 months and 8,300 posts later, I'm still here, and as strongly in love with the website and imbued sense of community as ever.
You've only been here two years??? Whats the deal with your postcount then?

EDIT: Stern, i mean
He ate several other members and consumed their postcounts.
Skaadi said:
You've only been here two years??? Whats the deal with your postcount then?

EDIT: Stern, i mean
Holy shit, stern averages 25 posts a day!
They're all quality though so I don't mind.

I want a job like sterns.
Skaadi said:
You've only been here two years??? Whats the deal with your postcount then?

EDIT: Stern, i mean

heh the iraq war, US election, abortion rights, same sex marriage, intelligent design in schools, jack thompson, video game censorship, right wing crazies invading our politics forum, video games in general etc might have something to do with the majority of those posts :)

Solaris said:
Holy shit, stern averages 25 posts a day!
They're all quality though so I don't mind.

I want a job like sterns.

no you dont, it's long stretches of idleness interrupted by longer stretches of boredom
I was in the first year of Uni when I joined here :O

In the beginning I didn't post much. I remember the site was down for a couple of months, then Munro e-mailed all the members to inform them the site was back online.
Insano said:
He ate several other members and consumed their postcounts.
Of course.

Where did you guys think The Dark Elf and nw909 went?
awesome. i was 15 when i joined, i've grown old with this crappy site located somewhere in the middle of the anus of the intarweb.

here's to you bastards! :cheers:
This thread made me go back and look at my first few threads I made, it's almost like watching myself grow up...wierd
Danimal said:
I was 13 when I joined. D:

I started reading the forums when I was 13 also. However I don't think I signed up until a while later. :(
Dalamari said:
This thread made me go back and look at my first few threads I made, it's almost like watching myself grow up...wierd

I used to be a nerd lol :LOL:

You used to be called solaris152000, according to Short Recoil's quote. :O
I was 17 when I joined... I can't believe I've dedicated three years of my life to this place... whoa... That's intense. :D
I was 14 when I joined and I'll be 16 within a month D:
kirovman said:
You used to be called solaris152000, according to Short Recoil's quote. :O
A lot of people changed names during their time here on
Insano said:
A lot of people changed names during their time here on

Chris-008 --> Tseng! --> Cylleruion2012 --> selfdestruct --> Audiophile --> Ennui

My first post was in a thread i made in the newbie section, "o_O;;; i am with my own kind".

Chris-008 said:
Hey everyone, I found this after searching for Half-Life 2 Forums on google because I was annoyed with Gamespy.

Expect a million posts.

Still working on that million.