The official Black and White 2 thread


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
New screenshots





ooooh, now thats beginning to look really good. I think I might get this one. Looks great.
Theyve removed all the old dodgy pictures and put alot more new ones up.

Guess they've finally stopped using the old landscape system \o/ release must be getting close
oooh, it's looking so good.

I still have a blast with B&W
My most anticipated game currently (right above S.T.A.L.K.E.R, F.E.A.R, and Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Cause)

Didn't play the first one, but I might just pick it up if the price is low.
Wow, looks cool. :O :bounce:

Don't think I'm getting it though, I'm useless at these kinds of games :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
Kirov, it doesn't matter. With this game you can be useless, in style :D

Its only a model [/Monty Python]

Oh good! I'll just throw rocks at my people instead :D

/retrieves discarded games shopping list

Edit: I'm a metrocop now...better than Resistance fighter, I guess :)
Hmm looks like this thread will be needing some kleenex boxes to clean up the drool


I'm getting this, loved the first one
Sweet Jebus! I never played the first Black and White, but I will definitely check out this one.
I'll wait and see if they actually included a game in it this time, instead of a dumb-animal simulator.
i liked the first one but it did get boring and you were limited with interactions with creature and teaching and all (imo)...I think this one looks great and i really cant wait for it!!!

Ape2 - the better creature :D
I've never played the original B&W, not something that really appealed to me, though I'll probably give this 'un a try.