The origin of Combine tech


Jul 19, 2003
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If dr. Breen is really the Administrator and he used to run Black Mesa it might be possible that the technology that Combine is using is from the Black Mesa labs. What do you think?
i dont care if thare used... i wana know evreything about the game that means spoilers to... yes dr.breen is the admin

and hes the only one that sees the combine good...

im shure chris will be pissed if i say more...
I'm pretty sure that the Breen=Administrator thing just started up because some dude posted the idea in a thread. He later retracted it...
Flyingdebris said:
Dammit, use a spoiler warning,

It is no spoiler, dr. Breen was introduced to public from VALVe itself. But on whose side is the G-man then?
Brian Damage said:
I'm pretty sure that the Breen=Administrator thing just started up because some dude posted the idea in a thread. He later retracted it...

It was a beta spoiler ( I know, I've seen the beta info, and that was one of the most obvious things in it according to who played it) - Breen = Admin, Breen is the a great leader for the Combine, he brought the tech after a Xen expedtion (since it's a borderworld) which can be or not part of the Lambda program, I'm not saying it.

Do not read above if you are not ready for a spoiler!!! It's nto a big one, something you can easily assume, but it's a spoiler.
It's pretty damn obvious he's the head of the combine, him and Gordon have a difference of opinion on how to deal with the alien invasion
Oh, OK. Don't want to know anything more :)
Breen is an unfortunate name. I reckon there's probably a lot of crossover between HL players and Star Trek fans, who will be thinking of the aliens of the same name from the show.
I saw someone refer to him as Mr Breen, and cracked up laughing...

I didn't think that those spoiler tags were for beta spoilers, only new storyline info... or something like that... meh...
the Gman i have a weak mommory of... but i not spilling crap... ne ways ile confirm that breen is admin and head of combine (found out from a beta site...) im shure the new content valve will release will be that of the beta
thomashiles said:
Breen is an unfortunate name. I reckon there's probably a lot of crossover between HL players and Star Trek fans, who will be thinking of the aliens of the same name from the show.

Thank god I hate star trek and never ever watch it........
The thing I hate about Star Trek: every alien looks too human. "Oh look, this alien is a human with forehead ridges! This alien is a human with big ears, and forhead ridges! This alien is an alien with...more different forehead ridges. We'll throw in some spots on their skin for added variety."

Anyway, back on topic, I don't think Dr. Breen is the administrator. Isn't he just supposed to be another scientist? Someone from Black Mesa, or perhaps another government installation? Maybe he's one of the administrator's other G-Men...

Regardless, I think it's plain to see he's in control of the Combine. In fact I'm only putting these spoiler tags here because I don't want to be told that I should have put them here after the fact, so here they are. But really, I don't find it a spoiler because they've got A BIG FRIGGIN' PICTURE OF THE GUY behind them. Seems very dictator-like to me, having a large picture of your leader hanging around. Maybe we'll see more of these pictures throughout the city?

You can see the picture here:

Oh, and about the Combine tech, not sure where it comes from but I love this picture; you can see the Combine soldiers have a little ear pieces attached to their helmets. I'm assuming they're radios.
Hrmm, I was under the impression that Dr. Breen was more of a combine representative than their leader. Someone who has given up hope and has joined evil in the hope that they will keep their pitiful existence. That picture is not a "dictator picture" it is a monitor with him giving a talk to you when you arrive there (readable from one of those magazine articles)
The true way they got there tech was that they placed 100 000 monkeys in a 100 000 labs and hoped for the best.
Stupid question, but who is this Breen you speak of, and when was his character introduced?
Breen's a scientist. He's a major character. He's pretty high up in some chain of command or other, and seems to be allied with the Combine...

That's really all the official info, think... Someone say if I've missed anything...

(No, not that B=A, I'm sure that hasn't been officially confirmed...)