"The painful afternoon my Dad shot me with a BB gun."


May 5, 2004
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A father allegedly shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun, a revelation that came to light after the boy wrote a school essay about the incident. The boy had written an essay about the "painful afternoon my Dad shot me with a BB gun." The elementary-school teacher turned the essay over to authorities.

The criminal complaint said the father told an investigator he shot the boy after the child didn't move fast enough from blocking the TV. He said he aimed at his son's rear pocket because he thought it would be more padded.

"I knew right away it was a stupid thing I did," the father said. "I told my kids the only way I'm going to touch them is to kiss them, hug them, tickle them. I was very, I was not under the influence of anything. It was a very stupid decision."


only in america

....because if it happened in canada the boy would have been stabbed during his baby shower!!! to DEATH

"I knew right away it was a stupid thing I did," the father said. "I told my kids the only way I'm going to touch them is to kiss them, hug them, tickle them. I was very, I was not under the influence of anything. It was a very stupid decision."

he forgot "shoot them"
In my day, your father used a .22, kids today can't even take a BB gun wound.
Boy, you're really churning them out today!
I've had a couple of days off and feel well rested
Haha what a pussy. Needed more of a lamp throwing action.

How is this even news? My friends and I would shoot eachother with BB guns until we were covered in welts.

a father shot his 9 year old son with a BB gun because he was blocking the tv. It's child abuse

a bunch of kids shooting each other just to see what would happen isnt the same as a parent physically abusing his child. the circumstances behind the incident are what really makes this newsworthy most notably the story he wrote in class: "The painful afternoon my Dad shot me with a BB gun." the way it was revealed is a little out of the ordinary
Man, I thought this story was about an air rifle's lead pellet or even a .22 round at a stretch, not some wimpy BB pellet.
20 years in prison minimum.

Seriously though, if he spanked his kid with a belt (which no doubt would hurt more) nobody would say anything.
well they might if the kid had wrote a story in class titled:

"the painful afternoon my dad beat my ass with his belt"
I loved the youtube comment where the person percieved him to be kick starting a motorcycle LAWL!!!
Would have been a bigger story if he got the kid in the eye.