The phantom returns! (If it were ever there in the first place)

Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score

Today's penny arcade is interesting. Looks like the phantom's up to it's old stupid tricks.

If it is real, why don't they provide a single bit of in-use footage, or even proof that the company making it exists outside of one guy's house?

Also, check this out:
(click and scroll down to the 2nd screenshot)
Is that metroid prime? Can they do that, legally? Same with doom 3 in the above pic too.
Phantom.... rather apt name if you ask me...
They can't emulate GC legally, and when I asked in the official forums, they said it won't be emulating PS2, GC, PSX, X-Box games.

If it did then they'd be breaking copyright laws and they'd be able to get sued for BILLIONS of USD.

But, they also answered that several companies are already looking into the console and planning games for it.
Can someone sum this console up in a sentence or two? This is the first time I've seen it and I don't understand what the hell it is...