The Politics Forum

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Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Lots of opinions and views get passed through this forum every day. Some of which moderators agree with and some that don't. This, of course, brings up a little bit of a problem when we're issuing warnings as there seems to be a belief that the moderators are banning people for what they say and the views they put across.

I'd just like to re-iterate that this is not true. It doesn't matter whether you're for Bush or Kerry, it doesn't matter if you think the war on Iraq should have started or not; if any person in this forum decides to express their view in an immature/defamatory/abusive/racist manner then that person will be warned.

Yes, we fully aware that this is a politics forum; and as such heated debates will happen, but those of you that constantly de-rail threads, deliberately cause arguements, use inappropriate means to get your point across are being watched and will be banned. There is no need for half of the absue that happens in this forum and no matter how you look at it it is absuing the rules and it will not be tolerated.

I hope that you all understand this and that we won't have any further issues in the future.
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