The Price of Peace: Help Wanted



The Price of Peace is looking for two talented programmers, one weapon modeller/UVmapper, one model animator, one texture artist, one level designer, and a webmaster, each of whom with the exception of the texture artist and the webmaster has experience working with the Source engine.

Programmer Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with the Source engine SDK.
- Knowledge of C++ and Source's script.
- Ability to compile and debug code.
- Documentation of prior work. If no examples can be given, a trial run may be instated in lieu of such examples.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.

Weapon Modeller Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with 3DStudio Max, Maya, or XSI.
- Documentation of prior work. If no examples can be given, a trial run may be instated in lieu of such examples.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.
- Knowledge of exporting models into Source.

Helpful Skills:
- Experience in animating
- Experience in character modelling
- Experience in skinning

Model Animator Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with animating in 3DStudio Max, Maya, or XSI.
- Documentation of prior work. If no examples can be given, a trial run may be instated in lieu of such examples.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.
- Knowledge of exporting animations into Source.

Helpful Skills:
- Experience in character animating
- Experience in character modelling
- Experience in skinning

Texture Artist Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with Adobe Photoshop or PaintShop Pro.
- Documentation of prior work. If no examples can be given, a trial run may be instated in lieu of such examples.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.

Level Designer Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with Hammer.
- Documentation of prior work. If no examples can be given, a trial run may be instated in lieu of such examples.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.
- Knowledge of shaders.

Helpful Skills:
- Experience in texture creation.

Webmaster Requirements:
- Experience and familiarity with php and/or MySql.
- Documentation of prior work.
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Good communication skills in English and/or German. Our team works through MSN Messenger and on our own TeamSpeak server. Members are required to check in every two days.
- Professional attitude.
- Ability to generate proper website graphics.

- Use of our private TeamSpeak server, our team FTP server with unlimited storage and bandwidth, our and our private SVN code and file repository.
- Chance to work with a professional team with years of modding experience.

Please visit our Moddb profile and for more information. The Price of Peace recently moved to the Source engine from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for several reasons, the primary of which involved the inability to find enough members in such a small mod community. Due to this switch, many models and other media are getting revamped, thus the lack of visible art progress.

The Price of Peace is an immersive tactical combat simulation for the Source engine. While it appears on the outside to be "yet another World War 2 modification" (yes, there are several), the Price of Peace uses an innovative campaign system which ties locations together in a tug of war scenario spanning several different maps. Map design incorporates openness which allows teams to create strategies based on the terrain and to choose how to attack the enemy, whether it be head-on, flanking from one side, flanking from two sides, or one of many other methods.

The Price of Peace aims for a concept dubbed "reasonable realism" which stretches realism as far as possible without sacrificing entertainment and replayability. Weapons and other implementations are true-to-life with measures in place to ensure balance and playability.

Please apply by either sending a personal message to dime1622 on our forums at our website or on MSN Messenger to [email protected]. Thanks!

Erik "dime1622" Johnson
Director of Operations
The Price of Peace
Rapidfire Entertainment

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Those pics are so small they hurt my eyes... Could we have a direct link to your ModDB page?

yeah why so small. also

the Price of Peace uses an innovative campaign system which ties locations together in a tug of war scenario spanning several different maps.

does it actualy do this or is this what you aim it to do. afterall you are looking for two programmers. if so could you provide some poof.

I anticipate your move to the Unreal3 engine :p
Yes, we're looking for two programmers mainly to smooth the curve of learning the new engine. We are bringing 3 (maybe 4) programmers with us, but it would really help. Essentially, map information gets stored on the server from one map to the next.

For example, the Allies win Map 1 (beach landing), where they were the offense. Then, they move onto Map 2 where they are supplied according to how well Map 1 went. Resources are limited, so they are being the offensive on Map 2. Should they win the offensive on Map 2, then they move to Map 3. Should they lose, they are back on Map 1, but rather than starting in landing craft, they start on the bluffs and have to resist the German push. Should the Germans push them into the water, the campaign is over.

Each map is actually two maps: Allied offensive version and German offensive version. Obstacles and such are set up for the map to reflect that. Teams also don't start on opposite ends of the map - they are set up to play that tug-of-war I had mentioned.

Anyway, sorry about the pics. They're like that because I can't embed pictures here. Just go to Sorry it's outdated because we just made the switch.
bacon said:

I anticipate your move to the Unreal3 engine :p

Bacon as in Bacon ET? What's up? Please, dear God, not another move! All I want for Christmas is an animator!
I love it. It's very arcady and takes a bit of getting used to. Very very fast-paced, but it's very interesting, too. That's why there's more people playing it than CoD2 or vCoD right now. It has great replayability, it's not just a total fragfest.

We managed to really change the way ET feels, but without animations, it was worthless. We're investigating what to do with our old code and such at the moment.
i have it but i dont want to install it maybe i will now
go for it. be prepared for q3 in a wwii environment :)

gets addicting, though. youll find most ET players are good at teamwork. it's neer just a fragfest.
lol i cant join any games lol i hosted one myself hahaha so boring when your alon ill guess ill try later. oh yeah i heard there making ET: quake wars why dont you use that?
it won't be out for a while, and the mod community is much smaller. the main reason for using source is that we need a few more members. primarily animators.
ic well if you need any concepts done ill help the mod i was workin on closed production cause there gay!
you just do concept art, or what other skills do you have?
well i can do 2d grpahics i.e hud and website images and banners and stuff.
really? contact me on our forums at our website or on the msn messenger name listed above ;)
Just a quick update:

We have filled several spots, but are still in need of a Level Designer and an Animator.
dime1622 said:
Just a quick update:

We have filled several spots, but are still in need of a Level Designer and an Animator.

Oh the irony :E
dime1622 said:
Just a quick update:

We have filled several spots, but are still in need of a Level Designer and an Animator.

Sign me up as a Level Designer. I have a lot of spare time. Experience: Next to none, but I have used the SDK before to create basic stuff, like a little racetrack for the sand buggy from HL2 :)

This is why I think I am qualified. I took an architecture class at school and I also completed three college level introductory computer science courses, which were in java (so I will have to teach myself C++ at some point, but that shouldn't be a big deal). I am also familiar with Microsoft Access, MySQL, and .asp files (I took a course on database systems last year). If you believe I can be helpful to your team, please send me an e-mail or a private message.