the race card

I've been waiting for somebody to make one of those.

But Snoop Dogg already did it.
That site makes me feel frightened, wary and angry at the same time.
A t-shirt "babe" with a large rifle, a banner saying "Annoy a liberal!" (real mature) and a t-shirt saying "Peace through superior firepower."
For f*ck's sake.
those sites are bastions of hate ...usually set up by the rabid right to drown out facts

I'd love to have a one-on-one conversation with these people ...I'd shut them up in about 2 minutes flat
I'd wager that you could shut most people up Stern.. you're 9,000> posts on here in just over a year pretty much prooves that.
CptStern said:
hehe I aim to please :E

*Does his best Meg Ryan impression ala When Harry met Sally*

Oh yes... yesss.. yessssss... yessssssssssssssssslahsdlkjasldkjskjsslas

Damn, you do please! :laugh:
The race card...lmfao, I need to pull that at work for fun...even though I'm white.
Hey, it could work