The random PM thread


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
This thread is for the random and interesting PMs you have gotten (don't do the Lou one).

as for me... uh...
Are you crazy


Like, have you been released from a mental hospital or something, seriously.


and there was the one from kngHenry as well.
I only have 12 private messages total. Deleted them all, and none of them are random.
15357 said:
This thread is for the random and interesting PMs you have gotten (don't do the Lou one).

as for me... uh...


and there was the one from kngHenry as well.
It was Cpt. Stern wasnt it :O
17-02-2006, 11:33 AM
Banned Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 0

Let it roll


This message is to teach you a thing or two about life: when someone makes a statement you don't like, or takes a stance on an issue that you don't agree with, and you get upset, do you know that means? It means that you are dumb.

So what happens is that some individuals observe this behavior and can't resist the temptation to make provocative statements designed exclusively to piss you off. He makes you his puppets, you all fall into his trap like helpless sheep -- but don't despair, that's what I am here for, to teach you how to avoid falling into that trap. Think of me as your guide, your crutch. But first a word of advice: stupidity can't be cured. With that in mind, what you all need to do, is to let it roll. Just let it roll. That goes for every single one of you. Don't let light hearted humor spoil your fun, for life is very short. Do yourself a favor and change; it's for your own good.

I don't care if my light hearted humor causes you to feel upset. I let it roll. I don't let insignificant ants spoil my fun. I am more intelligent than that. I let it roll. Sure, you might think that I am also a pompous prick, but the truth needs to be told, even if it's harsh, even if it hurts you, even if it makes you cry. Follow my advice and just let it roll. Make a “Post It” note and stick it on your forehead: Just let it roll.

This dose of reality upsets you? Well, here's a hint for you: Just let it roll. Trust me, you'll be better off if you let it roll. Next time I make a dubious statement, will you make my day calling me an idiot, or will you let it roll? There is no insult that can devaluate my ego; I have very high self-esteem. On the contrary, the more you insult me the more you reassure me that I am better than you, because of how dumb you are in comparison. Is there something you can do about it? Just let it roll. It's also called growing up. Think about it. Just let it roll.

Am I a loser for typing this? Then so are you. Indulging in group thinking, and being mindless drones, does not save you from loser hood. You are losers; your fragile egos won't let you accept it. Instead you rationalize your inadequacies stoning others. That's the way of the coward, you create impenetrable shields that no common sense and humility can pierce; you'd rather be dumb, you won't let it roll.

Starting today, just let it roll. You don't want to be dumb****s, you want to be winners, like me.


PM sent by the same guy who posted this, IIRC:
take your irish ass and shove it

We DIDNT lose in vietname we DIDNT lose in Somalia those were never "Wars" and for that matter why even discuss it with someone who lives in ireland like your worth anything to us. Youd almost be the last thing wed defend if the world went to shit.

:O :O
NOTE: The screenshot I took above, with the Dgenatron post, is what sparked THIS PM and the ENTIRE controversy. LOL.


Excuse me for your time, as I come here anonymously, but I have words of revelation to disclose to you. You may have noted at many of the signs of a "secret society" in the Half-Life 2 . Net forums, of which an accounted 65 members exist in, 35 whom are actively engaged, including Samon, tr0n, and el Chi, among others prominently posting in both their secret society and the normal forums. At least three admins are part of this society.

I come here with you to disclose their harmful secrets, many of which corrupt and defile our forums.

That name is now revealed to you, with indesputable evidence against them.

That name is Hetairia. You can see the name reflecting below the banner, in the forum's banner only, not the homepage banner.



As you can see, Hetairia exists for one purpose - To subvert the entire forums into a malicious and contingent extention of their own purposes, to rid of Munro and his forums. Munro is not part of Hetairia, and may not even be aware of it himself. If he is, Hetairia has grown too powerful to control it himself, and he needs the help of his fellow forumites to rebel against this society! The heretics grow stronger with each passing day! It is converting many innocent forumites, including an attempt to capture Foxtrot, an esteemed member of the forums. Hetairia is going to act soon, as Munro's reluctant decision to start ads in hope he'll raise enough money for his dieing forums. That's right, Valve has shut off funds to the forum. It hasn't been announced yet for fear of panic and despair, but starting August 16th of this year, 2005, the forums will be hopeless without funds from other sources.

Hetairia wants to shut down the ads, and this will destroy the forums. Why destroy the forums, you ask? Because they are willing to do it to create more popularity for their own forums! Hetairia has secretly been growing their own forums, found at no other location than

The final stages of war are coming, it is up to you to stop Hetairia from growing too powerful! Make threads about them, reveal their causes, send these words to others like you, wanting to know the truth! This is almost the very essence of Half-Life 2, a supressive government trying to route out the little guy! You be the Freeman!
lol @ above 2

Vietnam was not a war, it was a 'conflict'. :p
Haha, I got that 'let it roll' one as well.
The PM below was not from some random newb but from someone well-known:

When you get this,delete it after reading it. I don't care who you tell, just make sure there is no evidence of it. Words are less credible than an actual e-mail.

Now that I feel safe because they aren't here tonight, I figured I would tell you because you may or may not be in the same position I am, as there are many more than just you 5, but I can only send this once, and to only 5 people.

So, the truth is, I don;t really know what it's about.
Today I packed all of my things except for my tower and moniter and tower incase I got this oppertunity. I'm going to flee the country. I think the fbi or something is watching me.

I'm really freaked out. I live in the middle of
nowhere, nothing but cornfield's surrounding me for 10 miles on all sides. Well two nights ago I looked
outside to see a white, unmarked van sitting outside
my house, parked in the cornfield accross the street.
I know there were people in there because someone
turned on the dome light to do something, but I
couldn't see what. They were there all night, I stayed
up until about 9 in the morning and they were still
there up until then, because when I fell
asleep at 9 and awoke at 3 pm or so and they were
gone. Sure enough, last night they were back.

I freaked out last night, i couldn't figure what it
could be they were watching me for. I have been doing my best to try and erase any proof of my existence to make it easier for me to flee the country, but I don't know if I will make it past the borders.

I also noticed a small unfamaliar click every time I
picked up the phone here... I think they're tapping it

My point is, that one thread was the only time I
talked freely about my and my mother's marijuana
habits. No this can't be right... so many people talk about it all the time...

You won;t hear from me again for a while, I'm going to lay low. I might return to the forums if I feel safe
in Canada, but I don't know if I can use the same
name. I feel paranoid now.

I immediately thought "if I am right about why they
are watching me, its not only me" and I had to alert a
bunch of you with PMs, except for stern because his
inbox was full.

I could just be off my rocker, but just... if you live
in america or visit america, watch your back, because
its ****ing scary here.

Goodbye, and remember to delete this as soon as you
finish reading it. I'm going to delete it as soon as its sent.

ANd no, I am not ****ing around, I'm being serious.
LOL. Please tell me who sent that. Or at least do they still post here? Is it Ikerous? LOL
That guy lives in a bunker, sealed off from the outside world in the middle of the south pacific.
Shens said:
burnzie said:
Shens said:
burnzie said:
NOOOOOOOOOOO bliink was in there strokeing those crates!

Heartless bastard!


I demand total satisfaction.

:imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu:


Ohh god


ohhh god there everywhere... EVERYWHERE!


I have quite a few crazy, hateful, weird messages but I wont post them cuz some of the people are still members but i will post a pm from someone who's now banned:

originally posted by some random foam at the mouth crazy guy who's brain I eventually broke:

""**** You douchebag!

You can do shit about it ****ing canadian! stop crying dumb ****, YOU DON'T LIVE HERE! HAHA

dumb ****""

and this one:

"Originally Posted by Some guy I've never seen before or since:

People take crap for headaches, dry eyes, every stupid little thing you can think of. Why? Because they're pussies. I myself, and the people I know all take no medication for anything. Never have. You know why that is? Because we're not pussies, lol.

More than half of all "sicknesses" are caused by your own mind.

So, if you're taking drugs to get high, refer to number 2 (you're a loser) of what I said the 1st time. If you're taking them to ease pain, refer to number 1 (you're a pussy).

Get it? Or would you like me to explain in a more mature manner filled with so much bullshit it goes in giant circles like a bunch of old men."

I had far worse but I erase pm's on an almost daily basis so they're gone now
How come I don't get any fun, random, stupid PM's from people that have no relevance at all in my life? ITS NOT FAIR!
Sulkdodds said:
Dis shit's ****ed up. I don't even know what I did. Did you fix it? :O

Ikerous said:
Sulkdodds said:
Like a fool I have snatched at power beyond my comprehension; I have reached up to steal the fire of the gods and I find myself burned. I have been undone by the powers I sought to control! :D
Lol, i think it's all fixed now XD

It's a neat power though, eint it :)

Sulkdodds broke the internets

Shens said:
He's one of them :shh:
Munro said:
I love you.
No really...its real, the other ones are far too graphic, i'm yet to make sense of them, but really, i swear it's the real deal.

i dont even remember why
ow yeh and this one

Actually one of the marines starts mouthing off about how he is the only true american before getting eaten by a zombie. mainly because i hate racist americans.

heres the line...
Corpral king: ...Dare you, im the only true american in these ranks, I am your only true jew, spic, fag and nigga hating peice 100% pure beef American Male, and nothin, NOTHING WILL EVER...

(A ZOMBIE comes from behind king and takes a huge bite out of his neck, blood pours from the open wound and king collapses to the floor. the soildiers open guard at the creatures.)

Shepard: ****ing hell, this is george romero shit.

(the creatures take shots in the chest but carry on lumbering foward taking huge chunks out of a gunners face. Barris points his gun squarly at the creatures head and shoots. IN slow motion the bullit narrowly misses shepard and squarly lands dead centre in the zombies forhead.)


just a little preview for you...
john3571000 said:
take your irish ass and shove it

We DIDNT lose in vietname we DIDNT lose in Somalia those were never "Wars" and for that matter why even discuss it with someone who lives in ireland like your worth anything to us. Youd almost be the last thing wed defend if the world went to shit.
:O :O
what asshat sent you that?:flame:
I had some fun ones from Solaris saying that the king of Sweden ****ed babies but I deleted them.
If the King of Sweden *eats* babies in the literal cannabalism sense, I am so going to emigrate there :D

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
If the King of Sweden *eats* babies in the literal cannabalism sense, I am so going to emigrate there :D

-Angry Lawyer
Didn't it say he ****ed babies?

I put the asterisks to imply I was focusing on the digestion, rather than anything else you might allude to.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I put the "*" to GIVE THE IMPRESSION THAT I was focusing on the EATING OF THE BABY, rather than anything else you might THINK WOULD BE A REASON FOR ME TO EMIGRATE.

-Angry Lawyer
Fixed for poor Que-Ever.
Beerdude26 said:
Fixed for poor Que-Ever.
Oh. I sort of get it now. But I think it would have made more sense if there was some mention of eating AND ****ing, as opposed to solely ****ing.

or was there? my reading skills are lacking to-day. *re-reads*
Angry Lawyer said:
Me go to Sweden if king eat babies.
Me not interested in Sweden if king not eat babies.

/codes Zombie Master

-Angry Lawyer
So there :hmph: