The REAL Combine?



What the hell are the real combine? Are they part human part alien? I believe that the combine are just a tool of the REAL aliens. I.E the ALIENS are 100% machine, they come to planets and assimilate the creatures and turn them into robotic/clonelike beings :borg: :borg: :borg:.

Here are some pictures for you to consider :


There is the propaganda spray image and

An uncouthed Combine : (I got this image from some forum).


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That could be possible, but the Combine Advisor (one that Breen was talking to) grew dependent on Combine technology, so it must not be a Combine alien as well. It is hard to tell who the real combine are now that you bring that up. It kind of makes sense now, since non of the combine soldiers show any signals of leadership.
It makes sense they are half-alien, half-man. Hence the name, "Combine" because they are a combination of both...

Where did you get such graphic illustrations? That's freaky! They have a hole in their throat!

I noticed a lot of signs in the game saying, "Always wear respirator." Perhaps that is what their "masks" are?
that guy on the picture is trans-human overwatch, not a combine.
they're humans augmented with combine technology, possibly to make them controllable and resistant to outworld conditions (combine homeworld).
we do not know whe the REAL combine are, hopefully that question will find it's answer in HL3;)
That guy isnt combine, its an overwatch obergiest said upgraded with combien tech.
Captain M4d said:
That could be possible, but the Combine Advisor (one that Breen was talking to) grew dependent on Combine technology, so it must not be a Combine alien as well. It is hard to tell who the real combine are now that you bring that up. It kind of makes sense now, since non of the combine soldiers show any signals of leadership.
I don’t think the Combine Advisor is the “true combine alien” either, but simply because its name is only “Advisor.” When we do meet up with the original combine, however, I don’t see why we should expect that they will not be dependent on their own technology. Dealers are often their own first customers. Besides, aren’t many humans reliant on our technology now? If you dropped my off in the middle of nature with no ability to contact the outside world for a year… I guarantee I would be toast. I don’t think it too infeasible to assume that our own dependence on technology will continue to build until we literately need machines to live. Same thing could have happened with the original founding members of what Dr. Breen calls, “The Universal Union that small minds call The Combine.”
I think the idea of the Combine is that they aren't a single race... Breen's personal mission is to prove to the advisor that the Transhumans (Metrocops, Soldiers, Elites, all Human Cyborgs) are a
worthy addition to the Combine's ranks. In Nova Prospekt, Breen talks about the consequence of his failure being extinction of the whole species "along with all the other races not fit for intergration into the Combine". As such, there is no "real combine", save for whoever is at the top of the chain of command. Examples of other "races" integrated into the combine appear to be the Synths: The Biomechanical enemies like the Gunship and the Strider. They two have been technologically augmented in order to be accepted by the Combine, however, they may merely be altered "wildlife" rather than sentient races.

Just a thought, but perhaps the Half-Life 1 Gargantua is supposed to be a Combine Synth?
kupoartist said:
I think the idea of the Combine is that they aren't a single race... Breen's personal mission is to prove to the advisor that the Transhumans (Metrocops, Soldiers, Elites, all Human Cyborgs) are a
worthy addition to the Combine's ranks. In Nova Prospekt, Breen talks about the consequence of his failure being extinction of the whole species "along with all the other races not fit for intergration into the Combine". As such, there is no "real combine", save for whoever is at the top of the chain of command. Examples of other "races" integrated into the combine appear to be the Synths: The Biomechanical enemies like the Gunship and the Strider. They two have been technologically augmented in order to be accepted by the Combine, however, they may merely be altered "wildlife" rather than sentient races.

Just a thought, but perhaps the Half-Life 1 Gargantua is supposed to be a Combine Synth?

I agree with this.

As you....

Ascend to the peak of the Citadel, you see several unseen entities on conver belts. New additons to the Combine?
oberGeist said:
that guy on the picture is trans-human overwatch, not a combine.
they're humans augmented with combine technology, possibly to make them controllable and resistant to outworld conditions (combine homeworld).
we do not know whe the REAL combine are, hopefully that question will find it's answer in HL3;)

That is correct. What im wondering is do you ever see the over watch in game? Or was that cut?
Garric said:
Trust me, that's a real COMBINE.

I highly doubt that a single trans-human with a bunch of alien augmentation is the real combine. If that's the case, then they aren't that much of a threat.

How did you get ahold of this model? Did you screenshot this with the modelviewer?
I saw an image similar to that over a security screen in Nova Prosepkt.

It's a trans-human. An Overwatch soldier looks like that under the armor and gas-mask.

The Image Below is that of the Combine Advisor.

The Combine advisor is Breen's liaison to the Combine, and the our best bet to what the Combine might look like.

All along i've been wondering why ppl wanted to know what combine looked like (thinking they were refering to the soldiers - if it is this, then aren't those things at citadel what is inside the soldiers?). I think that the actual combine species is some sort of insect-like species. Reasons: the fighter/drop ships, ant lions, green things inside citadel are insect-like.
yah, but with the theory that the combine are only using earth as a jump-off point for their teleporting, who is to say that they haven't collected/manipulated other species throughout the universe...

maybe the other stuff that we see... the dropships... etc.. are modified organic creatures from other places.
don't you see that if you change one of the monitors in Nova Prospekt? I think it shows that poor character laid out on a table....
indy said:
thats prety low quality almost looks hl1
how do we know its not a fake?
It's genunine. You see that guy sprawled out on a bench on one of the monitor screens in Nova Prospekt. However, RtB has a concept of that same guy on a page of Stalker designs (the Saline powered sub-human slaves). It's not know whether the Art Book simply made a mistake, or whether that's actually a half-dressed Combine Soldier.
Who are these, then?

Particularely these appear to be "worker drones" and look incapable of being soldiers, but whos to say the combine don't differ too much from them, apart from a more physical body?


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André Damli said:
Who are these, then?

Particularely these appear to be "worker drones" and look incapable of being soldiers, but whos to say the combine don't differ too much from them, apart from a more physical body?

Well, these are Stalkers. They seem to be some unfortunate beings that serve the combine as slaves. You can see them, throughout the citadel repairaing/healing Gunships, going around, messing with control panels and being carried by those steel pods you ride...(I can't remember their name)..that's prett much all I know about them...

EDIT> I forgot to say the main thing: They are formerly humans. Why do I think so? Because during Follow Freeman you can hear some resistance soldiers saying: "They will never turn me into a stalker."
No Combine. Before combine came to Earth, they have no human based soldiers in their army...real Combine is something different. Those are just tools of theirs.

That is how I understood the game...
its real,
in one of the cameras you seem him laygin down
Now that I think of it, it is possible for the Combine Advisor to possibly be part of the Combine race, and rely on it's own technology. It is the same as it is with us humans: we depend on our own technology. Oh god... I sense a paradox coming.
Also, word on the stalkers. I read a little in Raising the Bar at my local EB. Stalkers are basically humans deprived of most of their organs, that have become dependent on a certain chemical to stay alive, and they are worker drones for the combine.
So basically the Combine are like the Zerg. Sounds good to me.
the Combine is neither one alien race with dudes working for them or a bunch of races teaming up... it's a combination
we know they conquer worlds/universes and strip them of resources, but I figure 'resources' covers the lifeforms present as well..they take any evolutionary traits and technology they want and add it into the main combine
Breen seems to be lobbying for 'membership' in the combine, that is integrating our genome into the mix
marshmallow said:
So basically the Combine are like the Zerg. Sounds good to me.

More like the Borg. Technology+Organic+Galactic Domination+Stripping others resources and life=Borg

I don't think the Borg are :rolling: enough to make stalkers though.
You see some o them stalkers on the way to nova prospekt in the tunnels underneath the exterior you climb up a ladder thats party submerged in water, in the water there is about three dead bodies, i thought they were human but when i looked they had thin arms and legs and such. It would make sense they use them as slaves.

And it makes sense that they use combines as well. They wear the masks because at one point you hear someone say that the airs getting thineer and they cant alomost breathe, and im sure that in one post some one said about changing the atmosphere.
Certainly think JimmyJam is right - the combine are harvesting the general population too - which is why everything seems so deserted.. and remember in nova prospekt when Breen is on the tanoy giving the soldiers grief for failing to get you? he says something like "i've told them your the best humanity has etc.. if you fail you'll be cattle too" kind of thing. And he's certainly lobbying but i think it's to remain "mostly" human (albeit using the combine tech ) and in a position of power within the combine.
I like how breen himself stays a regular human and scoffs at the idea of getting a host body
classic dictator
The Combine are a race that essentially (yes, like Zerg) assimilates other races to survive, but instead of assimilating genetic material like the Zerg do, they assimilate the technological advancements of the race and then enslave them and rape their world of resources.

The Combine rely completely on technology, so that their eyes, ears, and other structures have become vestigial. The Combine Advisor is exactly what a real Combine looks like. The "Combine" you fight in the game are actually human Overwatch guards, humans who decided to join the Combine and get implants that make them part machine.

Stalkers are humans either who wanted to join but were to weak to become soldiers, or simply enslaved humans.