The reason why XBLA is superior to PSN arcade

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Because of this game:


What is it? 3D side scrolling action/adventure game

Developed by? Chair Entertainment

Release date? Aug. 19th 2009
this is an arcade game? wow.
looks solid
any word on the price? i'm thinking 1200-1600 MS points
not bad at all but nothing really blows me away anymore. i'll wait for the review
I don't think it looks very good.
Oh that game. Doesn't interest me in the slightest.
It looks pretty good for a side scroller made by Epic. I remember seeing the video at E3, and it looked horrible. I actually really like this video now. I think it's going to be a good pick up.

Anyway, XBLA is always going to be better because of the fact that the community is just perfect for it. The online actually works. Everyone can communicate with each other. Setting up an online game is completely simple.

Any game that gets released on Xbox and PS3 is more than likely always going to succeed on Xbox. That's my 2 cents.
That looks pretty solid for an XBLA game. I'll probably pick it up
Yeah, this game looks pretty fun. Derivative, but fun. It doesn't take much more than the word "Metroidvania" to get my juices flowing. :E

As for this being the reason XBLA is superior? I don't think we or anyone else should get into that. Just enjoy either, both, or neither, mmkay? :hugs:

EDIT: I was actually going to title my Wizardry thread, "The reason PSN arcade is superior than XBLA," but thought better of it at the last second. :E
Been looking forwards to this for some time now.

I noticed that for some reason, the last picture for this game on ign is a picture of Advent Rising. I can't post the picture or the link, as I'm on my itouch. Anyone know why this is?
B MAN. I have no intrest in this game becouse there is nothing interesting about it. Looks like a guy shooting things. There are many many games which include guys shooting things.
B MAN. I have no intrest in this game becouse there is nothing interesting about it. Looks like a guy shooting things. There are many many games which include guys shooting things.
That means Half life is boring to you.

That means Half life is boring to you.


I was reffering to the fact that it was no differant to most shooting games out there. Its not every day that a game like half-life comes along. I though you would understand this when you read my post.
I was reffering to the fact that it was no differant to most shooting games out there.
This isn't your average shooting game. Tell me another recent game that is similar to Shadow complex. And I mean not just shooting, but a game that switches from third person view and side-scroll.
It does look pretty good. I'd probably get it if it was out on PSN, but I'm not too broken up about it either. I'd say there's definitely too many good PSN exclusives for this to throw it in Arcade's favor, but I'm not familiar with all the Arcade games.

I especially liked how they mixed in the 3D rail shooting mechanics. Also the animations for the walker were pretty neat.