The Revolution is a Go, I repeat the Revolution is a Go.

*<RJMC> aims sniper rifle*
*boom-solaris head explode*

there you go your revolution
I know the UK will go into mass hysteria, but from the reports it sounds like more of a sick prank.

Not that it's nice to have your subscription to Penthouse blow up your face (and wanking hand), but at least no ones been killed.
Good lord. All these attacks, all so close together - but to what purpose? There must be some way of finding out, some pattern...


Birmingham, Abingdon and Culham all on the same day - it couldn't be a co-incidence. I began to join the dots.


As I investigated further, a pattern emerged...



Solaris, isnt "the revolution is a go" a bit obvious? Might it increase your chances of sucess by using a prearanged trigger word or phrase, such as "Purple Monkey Diswasher"? :p

anyway, scary stuff this letter bombing. Damn those Isrealis! (before some idiot accueses me of racism, the Isrealis are creditied with the invention of the letter bomb)
I'm doing controlled explosions on all my mail, just to be sure.