The Sad Orc


Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Did it using Corel Painter Essentials 2 and a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet.

An orc not very happy with his looks. He's kinda sensitive fella ;(

Wait wait...theres something about this thread...I can't seem to put my finger on it. Something is missing...I'm not sure what...
gimme a break guys.... was having problems with the URL.... now it's fine
This painting is very ellusive. I might suggest getting the URL working before you post and double check that it works.
If you click on it you can see it guys. lol very nice Brazooka, he does look quite sad, poor guy.
That's neat... I tried creating stuff with a tablet once...I failed horribly.

Now do a sad Sci-Fi monster! :D
JNightshade said:
Aww... poor orc. Someone give him a sammich and a cookie.

or we could just offer up you to him and save the sammich and cookie :P
anyway, thats a neat drawing ;)
Haha! Thats neat! Its very well done, and it actually looks kind of cute in a way. Poor orc!
Thanks a lot guys! I like what Idonotbelonghere suggested and my next one will be a Sci Fi Monster, but instead of sad, it will be stoned... :)
Glirk Dient said:
Maybe he needs a hug...

I was gonna go for needing to rip open the face of a gnome and spill his blood all over azeroth but hugs might do...

nice picture :D
stoned sci fi monsters, quality! Or you could do drunkard ones Wooop!
tis cool, only one inky thing i can think of in the way of c&c :)

with the mouth, as he as a kina homer simpson sticky out bit, imagine it as a 3d object when drawing the kinda down turned lips and that should give you more of an angle when u put shadow in eqaully on where the shadows go makig it look more real,

thought i gotta say i love the style, wish i could do it like that:(
Joims said:
tis cool, only one inky thing i can think of in the way of c&c :)

with the mouth, as he as a kina homer simpson sticky out bit, imagine it as a 3d object when drawing the kinda down turned lips and that should give you more of an angle when u put shadow in eqaully on where the shadows go makig it look more real,

thought i gotta say i love the style, wish i could do it like that:(

Hmmm... I see what you are saying. You're right. Thanks for the tip!
Brazooka said:
Thanks a lot guys! I like what Idonotbelonghere suggested and my next one will be a Sci Fi Monster, but instead of sad, it will be stoned... :)
omg rofl make sure to post it